I'm looking forward to starting HRT as soon as possible. I'd like to imagine what it will do to my body, but I can't imagine what I haven't seen. Any and all experiences are welcome and appreciated.

I'm in my 20's. I know my hip bones are already fused (rip) but at least my hips are relatively wide. I'm actually very androgynous already. While working toward HRT I've been gaining muscle and cutting fat, to account for the muscle loss and such. My logic is losing fat now will make it easier for my body to erode male fat deposits, and make more more comfortable is gaining weight one I start HRT.

Thank you, I love you!

  • breadandcircuses [she/her]
    3 years ago

    fwiw, i started HRT at 20 and my hip bones have turned out (though not significantly widened). i get debilitating growing pains sometimes and went from a [cw: body measurements]


    32 hip to 37 in the same time i went from a 29 waist to a 32. a lot of that is fat redistribution, but not all of it.

    what kinds of other things do you want to know?

  • croissanne [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I've been on hrt for about 6 years now, I was 22 when I started. I think the main thing I'd say is that hormones work slowly. Like in the past 2 years I've noticed changes in my breasts still. Most changes happen in the first 2-3 years. Give them time to do their thing.

    Once after puberty in terms of bone structure there aren't any radical changes, but a lot of people have reported small changes. But I often wonder if that can't be attributed to fat redistribution though, and that's definitely a thing. My figure got a lot more feminine over the years, my waist got slimmer, and my face changed a lot as well, a lot less broad I guess. Prior to hrt I lost a lot of weight, when I gain weight now it does tend to go more to butt and tits, but also my tummy sadly.

    My skin got a lot softer, this was somehow one of the coolest changes for me. Also my hairline was already receding a little when I started hrt but that completely stopped and even reversed a little, almost to the point where it's a typical feminine hairline. I think the way I smell also changed.

    And I wasn't sure when I started them, but after 2 weeks on estrogen I knew I'd never go back :)

    • IdiotDoomPoster [she/her]
      3 years ago

      This is so wonderful to hear, I'm moved to the verge of tears. Thank you for sharing, it means a lot to me.

  • ultraviolet [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I started hrt when I was 21 and I've been on it for about 1.5 years and here's a list of stuff I noticed. These are fairly typical for trans women on hrt.

    -When your boobs are growing in, they will be quite tender and will hurt like hell if you accidentally bump into anything.

    -My body hair is much thinner , lighter, and less dense than before. My legs used to be a forest but now even after not shaving for a few months, they're growing back a lot slower and I noticed some follicles aren't even growing hair (or they are but I can't see them). The rest of my body is similar but my legs have the most change

    -My face shape is more rounder and feminine.

    -My hips have gotten wider. I'm not able to wear my old men's jeans anymore but an equivalently sized pair for women fits me pretty well.

    -I have a lot less body odour than before. I used to stink and sweat even if I wasn't doing anything particularly physical. Now even if I miss a shower, I still smell ok.

    -I get a lot colder than before. I basically have to go out with at least a light jacket when it's not summer time. My feet also easily get cold.

    -My skin feels softer and my hands are less veiny. I'm much more sensitive to touch in general.

    -I feel emotions more strongly than before and it's easier for me to cry. I know there is a physical element and a societal element to this so idk how much of it is due to estrogen.

    NSFW (mostly genitals):


    -I have a harder time getting erections. One nice thing is I don't get the typical male random erections anymore. My nipples are way more sensitive than before.

    -My girl penis is softer and my cum volume is a lot less. My cum is also more clear than before.

    -My sex drive is way down and sex and porn is not as appealing to me as before. (this tends to vary a lot. I heard many trans women who had the complete opposite experience)