IdiotDoomPoster [she/her]

  • 23 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: January 18th, 2021

  • You are a good brother. I hope my siblings respond so kindly when I come out.

    There are ways to get games that don't involve money, or so I've heard. I find it weird for any art to be gated behind money, anyway.

    Isn't it funny how something being undiagnosed can be so rough? Like, not knowing what it is makes it untouchable. But the minute you have a name for something, the brain can start attaching attributes that become handles. Suddenly this thing untouchable plasma becomes a manageable, manipulable object.

  • Yes and no. I'm sure you've heard the calories-in-calories-out thing, and its a little more complex than that. Before I continue, any large weight-loss is best done with a doctor's guidance.

    I want to start by saying most people have tried dieting/exercising and found they lost a few pounds, stopped losing weight, then regained it and got discouraged. This happens a lot. Let's look over a few details: When one starts dieting, they'll quickly see a lower number on the scale simply because less mass is in their digestive tract. Exercise (depending on the activity) can see a gain in muscle mass or blood volume. People usually underestimate their caloric intake and over estimate their expenditure.

    This cycle is really common. In some cases the regimen was working and they got discouraged by a scale. In other cases, the regimen simply put them and their normal maintenance calories because they were over-budget before starting.

    The solution to this conundrum is simple: stick with it. If your progress halts, cut some more calories from your diet and proceed. Don't worry too much about the scale, focus more on how you feel. Monitor that your activity level doesn't decrease and calorie intake doesn't increase.

    Something really very helpful is to write down each caloric value before you eat. Every single thing, even the 5 calories of oil in a cup of black coffee. Add it up and keep track each day.

  • That's a pretty rough diet. Your calories are mostly coming from carbohydrates, which isn't great. Assuming you're not vegan and your main concern is budget, while chicken can go a long way if you put the effort into it. The broth can be stored and made into soups. The meat itself is a complete protein, meaning you'll get all the amino acids you need. Chicken soup has a good spread of micronutrients.

    I kinda hate myself for saying this, but dollar-to-pound your most efficient source of B-vitamins will be beef. I would advise against eating it every day,

    I'm curious what you're making with just tomato, onion, and noodles. I'm also curious what kind of oil you're using, because that makes a surprising difference.

  • Doctors suck shit, never had a good one in my life. I don't know you well enough to help, but I do know myself well enough to share an experience that may help you.

    I was in a real bad, suicidal place a couple months ago. Bad things happened. I started disassociating pretty severely. That had been a theme of my life since forever, but this time the lights were on with no one home. I started listening to We Will Always Love You by The Avalanches, nonstop. Listened to it 20 times a week, the whole album. Something in there was resonating with me. After a couple weeks and some research on the sample sources, I realized the album is about suicide. wew. But that's not all the album is about.

    Long before any of this, for all my life, something had felt off. Wrong. This life didn't feel like mine, it never did. I would later realize, a month ago, what I was experiencing was gender dysphoria. What a nasty thing, living so deep inside me that it took nearly 3 decades to identify. I would think things like... "I hope I can be reincarnated into a girl," or, "It feels wrong when I'm treated like a man." But I always pushed these thoughts back down and some impossible wish best forgotten. I had even internalized the phrase "trans women are women" to a degree that "trans women" couldn't include me because I wasn't "women."

    Just over a month ago I was listening to Hammond Song (, with the context of its use in We Will Always Love You. Hammond Song takes on an entirely different meaning when you are thinking about suicide. I was talking to my best friend. She said, with little prompt, "You would be a beautiful woman." It clicked into place. The thought I had left unfinished for decades finished in that moment. The lyrics in the song said, "throwing yourself away... not even trying?" This is the moment I realized I'm trans. Since then, I've become genuinely happy. Not sure I ever felt this before.

    I tell you this to convey: You too may have some unfinished thought in your mind, likely something you've unwittingly refused to acknowledge. It may not even be possible for your to realize on your own. Something that helped me was a game called Disco Elysium; It has a way of breaking down your mind into manageable parts. Played sincerely, I came to better understand how my own mind works. I hope what I said here helps. If you need to talk, you know where to find me.

  • Its real hard to find reliable information on that subject, much of it boils down to bro-science. Like, on one hand I have a friend who is a power-lifter and isn't close to looking jacked, he looks average. However, the results I've seen for muscle size usually comes from added weight. I suspect there's some goldilocks range between the two, but I would love to see some research on that.

    If its between adding more reps and nothing, definitely add more reps. But if you can add more weight, that would be better. Sorry I don't have anything more conclusive on this.

  • It depends. First, you certainly don't NEED one, but they CAN help. Protein is a complex thing, anyone saying otherwise is lying or ignorant. You certainly need a "complete" protein source, meaning it has all the Amino Acids your body requires. You could just add chicken/eggs/soybeans to your diet and get mostly the same effect. Whey protein is technically more "bio-available" meaning your body can use it more efficiently. Its not a huge difference. You can also by pure Whey as a baking ingredient for a lot cheaper.

    If you mean prework-outs, that gets even iffier. Some are just sugar, which you likely don't want. Some have vasodialators like Arginine or its superior brother Citrulline. These convert into Nitric Oxide in your body, which causes blood vessels to expand and get more blood to muscles. Some have Beta-Alanine which works but may make you unbearably itchy. The best prework-outs are coffee or beet juice. Beets for their vasodilation. Coffee not just for the caffeine, but coffee specifically reduces muscle soreness. Seriously, drink it before/after exercise, it helps a ton. While we're on the subject, Magnesium Glycinate can help with recovery a lot. (Magnesium Oxide does nothing but it is a laxative, lmao)

  • As an example of how knowledgeable I am: I've been cutting fat and gaining muscle through diet and exercise, and recently found my weight loss slowed and I started getting runny noses and sneezing. I know this was due to low glutathione resulting from too much exertion. Basically the oxidization from exercise was outpacing my liver's ability to make glutathione. So I started taking N-Acetyl-Cysteine, the protein precursor to glutathione. I feel much better and the weightloss has resumed.

    Yes this means I'm not eating enough calories, no I won't change that, no you should not undereat. Undereating causes your body to scavenge proteins from both your skeletal muscles and organ muscles, including your heart.

  • Yeah, and it kinda gets worse the more you know. Like, your pancreas is home to a very very complex organ called the Islets of Langerhans (which is 1% of the Pancreas' mass but uses 10% of its blood supply) and this is the only thing in your body that can process sugar. Any damage to this organ cannot be repaired, ever. Of course, fucking sugar of all things damages the Islets of Langerhans.