just thought I'd post this since I had good time playing it today. harp, pedal chain, and ciat-lonbarde cocoquantus all have their own mixer channels, and I use fx sends to route harp to both pedals and coco, and the pedals and coco to each other, so it all records itself and takes new input.

most of the pedals are time-based/loopers/delays of some kind.

after all that it goes to the tape deck for saturation and drive, as well as recording, and then to the amp/headphones and the zoom h4n recorder.

the music I'm making with this ranges from textural Basinski-like stuff to weirdo folkier Natural Snow Buildings stuff. both of them are big inspirations for me.

thanks for reading, let me know if you have any questions about it. would love to see other people's setups as well.

  • Multihedra [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Looks and sounds cool as shit, I’ll have to check out the inspirations you posted

    • axolotl [he/him]
      4 years ago

      thank you for kind words!

      I recommend checking out Basinski's Disintegration Loops (which has a really interesting backstory with 9/11) https://youtu.be/mjnAE5go9dI

      and NSB's Night Coercion into the Company of Witches https://youtu.be/Iwk0CtLMV6A