Seriously what is up with whining about people bringing their kids shopping. I get that they hate poor people I just would expect them to have more than one thing to talk about

Edit: Even though I enjoy conflict, I guess I'll add some context here anyway. The usual line I hear as smalltalk is "You don't have to bring the whole family shopping," which if you don't shut it down immediately, will be followed up with some of the most racist and/or classist statements you can imagine, typically involving birth rates

  • TraumaDumpling
    11 months ago

    i know i personally get anxious in crowded public spaces like grocery stores but its weird to blame parents for that, not everyone has childcare etc. they can rely on. obviously we should have more public childcare lol, and even public spaces for children to exist outside of school. its more understandable to me to complain about (poorly behaved or obviously uncomfortable) children in places you expect to spend more time in, like restaurants. recently my roommates went to a somewhat more restaurant for a date and got put in some back room full of some other party's children, and had an awful time. i think its because they are both bi and outwardly present as LGBT.