"BLIT" (acronym of Berryman Logical Image Technique) is a science fiction short story by the British writer David Langford. It has a setting where highly dangerous types of images called "basilisks" have been discovered; these images contain patterns within them that exploit flaws in the structure of the human mind to produce a lethal reaction, effectively "crashing" the mind the way a computer program crashes when given data that it fails to process.
"BLIT" (acronym of Berryman Logical Image Technique) is a science fiction short story by the British writer David Langford. It has a setting where highly dangerous types of images called "basilisks" have been discovered; these images contain patterns within them that exploit flaws in the structure of the human mind to produce a lethal reaction, effectively "crashing" the mind the way a computer program crashes when given data that it fails to process.
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