I just heard about this guy and some of his songs are really cringe. And than some are just dead on with what the media and people in power are doing to keep everyone at each other throats.

    • Gotem [doe/deer]
      4 years ago

      I find it odd that you focus on the Christian part when he has pretty cringe lines about cops.

      Either way I think no lives matter is a pretty good song compared to most of his other stuff. But the rest of his stuff is just eh. The choruses are really bad on some of them. Like straight white male seems like okay than that chorus hits and it's like barf.

      I watched some interviews his done and he used to do pro wrestling and talks about how that trained him to read the room. So yeah I think his honing in on a large segment of disaffected white youths and it clearly is working.

        • Gotem [doe/deer]
          4 years ago

          Lol. You need to go chill in a park or something man. His not my boy and I think a majority of his songs are pretty bad but his not gong anywhere and most likely is gong to get more popular as the libs go even harder into idpol.

        • Gotem [doe/deer]
          4 years ago

          His got millions of followers and trents of millions of views.

          You really are thinking highly of your self of you really think your going to signal boost him.

  • wtypstanaccount04 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Conservatives are often correct about the liberal media. Keyword being "liberal". There are two strains: Neoliberal (CNN, MSNBC, etc), and neoconservative/fascist (OAN, FOX, etc.). There is no mainstream leftist media. That being said, Tom MacDonald is a total clown.