• FourteenEyes [he/him]
    9 months ago

    American Evangelicalism has a simplistic understanding of theology that borders on childish and strongly discourages any sort of questioning of the narrative, which is sad when you consider that Protestantism literally started from people questioning the narrative put forth by the Catholic church.

    This makes Biblical teachings an extremely shallow well to draw from, because any deviation from the fundamentalist interpretation of the scripture is blasphemous. Assassin's Creed is blasphemy. Xenogears is blasphemy. The entirety of Final Fantasy is blasphemy. You can't really do much but childish retellings of Biblical stories within a very narrow presentation, or you'll alienate the core audience.

    • Comp4 [she/her]
      8 months ago

      I think you could make absolutely rad christian games. The games would probably have to be pretty heretical but they could still be christian in nature.