• RandyLahey [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Was away in the countryside over the weekend, managed to wake myself up early on Sunday and do a 30k run along the country roads, it was beautiful and I was surprised how easy it felt (probably because of the smooth roads), so I sped up quite a bit over the last 10k and still had plenty in the tank at the end which was encouraging

    Came back and had a beer and breakfast under a tree in the beautiful weather, shit was great

      • RandyLahey [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Definitely not casual! In training for a really hilly marathon coming up very soon and I've been kinda terrified about it cos my training has been pretty inconsistent due to life getting in the way, so I'm stoked to at least be hitting the distances I need on the long runs, even if I'm gonna end up being a fair bit slower on the day than I originally imagined