I’ve never experienced that in Glastonbury. The whole of the festival went silent and all you could hear was his speech echoing and that seemed like a massive moment, and it’s a pity that in the end [it] didn’t translate.

He was vilified, really, for actually having old school socialist ideas. And now there’ll be all this soul-searching in the Labour Party.

At the moment they are trying to pick a new leader. Just like a lot of people, I just cannot bring myself really to take much interest in that, because I think we’ve had an actual left-wing leader. It became apparent that the party itself didn’t even want that. And you’ve got supposedly left-wing publications such as The New Statesman, who just hated him. Wouldn’t or couldn’t bring themselves to say anything nice about him. So it’s kind of like the left has kind of disgraced itself. They had a chance to get behind something that was really left and they bolted. I don’t know. But I’m kinda going with them. That’s how I feel at the moment. So we’re left with Boris Johnson.

He was always based af tbh. Try Different Class (may or may not be about Yanis Varoufakis’ wife) and His ‘N’ Hers if you’re into Britpop. One of the most influential bands in TERF island but sadly not very popular outside.

  • Sen_Jen [they/them]
    3 years ago

    Lmao imagine being called cocker. Poor british people, there's not much going for them