Now let's get to the meat of the issue. ALL human food production causes non-zero emissions, yes even the food you eat. Yes even if you grow it yourself. According to the link you provided "meat accounts for ~60% of green house gas emissions from food production." I would say, so what? Humans need to eat food and some food production is going to emit more green house gases then other food. Trying to optimize our diets to reduce our impact on the world at the expense of enjoying that world is something no one actually wants, including you. At the end of the day everyone has to eat food. So you say "But if we just cut meat production, we would reduce the green house gases of food production by 60%!" Well in less then 80years, the population of the earth is projected to be ~11billion. That is ~50% more people and thus 50% more greenhouse gases emitted from food. So now what do you now?

It's 2100ad, and we got rid of meat 80years ago, along with 10,000 years of human culinary culture and animal husbandry, and now we are right back where we started as far as green house gases (though probably worse because fossil fuels are still around). So what have you solved? What did destroying a huge part of the essence of human society accomplish? Hundreds and thousands of cultures were told that because burning coal and natural gas is cheaper and certian people will get rich from continuing to do that, those billions of people can't have certain kinds of food anymore. That's not a deal anyone will take, nor should they.

The problem is that people are mean to animals? Sorry, I don't see that as a problem at all.

We should destroy all human culinary culture and eat only what is the most efficiency use of land? Why?

Your solution to the environmental damage caused by agriculture is "eat less food." That's not a solution at all! My solution is that amazing experiences that human culture and society can provide us is 35% of the problem so let's address the other 65% because that's the shit that doesn't make life worth living. Shipping consumer electronics 8,000 miles just to throw away within a year doesn't make anyone happy. Spending 2hours a day commuting via car to some shitty office so that you can sell more consumer junk doesn't make anyone happy. These are the things that should be changed. The fact that people eat different food then you should be celebrated. Human culture is awesome and a world where we all eat the same food because it's the most efficient isn't a world worth living in.

And the grand Reddit-tier ableist carnist finale:

I suppose it's a deep seated psychological harm inflicted by your family when they forced you to eat dinner that one time. I hope you get the help you need, but unfortunately you will not find it here.

Adeiu. smuglord

This shit is dire.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      So much sophistry after the "how dare you criticize thing that pleases me" initial motivation.

  • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
    11 months ago

    "I hope you get the help you need." I say as I shake with the meat sweats and demand the Earth rots in ecological collapse because my dead flesh addicted body can't handle not being 100% stuffed with the carcasses of baby animals for less than five seconds.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      According to that smug piece of shit, "all of human culture" or something like that utterly depends on unlimited access to slaughtered animals.

      I know this place's party line is "no incrementalism" and pieces of shit like that make me understand why that's the party line. How can there even be gradual improvements if taking even one Le Epic Baconator away from a hog like that is seen as total eradication of human culture?

      • Dirt_Owl [comrade/them, they/them]
        11 months ago

        utterly depends on unlimited access to slaughtered animals.

        It annoys me so much how people forget we aren't fucking carnivores.

        As a species, we eat too much meat. That's a fact. We eat more meat products than is healthy for an omnivore to consume. It's giving us heart disease and all sorts of hormone issues. Carnists will act like having milk and egg or flesh for every meal is normal and healthy and it simply isn't. I'm not even going to shit on people for eating a little meat if it's ethically sourced, but it's the absolute slovenly excess to the point where they're willing to harm their own body and the ecosystem that gets me. What is that other than an addict?

        • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
          11 months ago

          I'm not even going to shit on people for eating a little meat if it's ethically sourced

          Even if someone believes there's such a thing as ethical meat (I don't), the muh ethical meat from muh uncle's farm thing is just a red herring that no carnists actually do. It'd be easier to just be vegan than only find and eat ”ethically sourced” meat.

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          11 months ago

          Even the suggestion of using less land for the industrialized slaughtering of animals was seen as some YA-tier dystopian nightmare where (ableistic slur here) wokescolds eliminate all "culture" like some kind of Macross villain motivation.

        • Freso [ze/hir, comrade/them]
          11 months ago

          I'm not even going to shit on people for eating a little meat if it's ethically sourced,

 (emphasis mine) :

          It is normal and healthy for people to empathize with the animals they eat, to be concerned about whether or not they are living happy lives and to hope they are slaughtered humanely. However, if it is unethical to harm these animals, then it is more unethical to kill them.

  • panopticon [comrade/them]
    11 months ago

    So you say "But if we just cut meat production, we would reduce the green house gases of food production by 60%!" Well in less then 80years, the population of the earth is projected to be ~11billion. That is ~50% more people and thus 50% more greenhouse gases emitted from food. So now what do you now?

    Hard fuckin fail. Wow. Did they even read what they wrote?

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      If things improve somewhat they might not improve as much later therefore do nothing at all lol GET SCHWIFTY smuglord

        • UlyssesT [he/him]
          11 months ago

          Not if it involves something they are emotionally invested with, such as epic meat meme food. That's where human culture comes from and what such human culture depends upon.

          • panopticon [comrade/them]
            11 months ago

            Human culture is when a net 40% decrease is actually a net increase! What now, antihuman vegan? smuglord

            • UlyssesT [he/him]
              11 months ago

              Change absolutely nothing if changing something for the better isn't a one and done perfect improvement in all ways for all time that takes away no treats and inconveniences no one. grillman

  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
    11 months ago

    That was infuriating to read, especially when that person seemed to think the only food people can eat is meat and jumped to some baffling conclusions. ”So you want humans to not have food? Why do you want most of the world's population dead, Hitler!?”

    I've started assuming that every smuglord ”But I like eating meat and don't even care that animals suffer” comment is made because of cognitive dissonance. It just annoys me that carnists think it's so bad for them to occasionally be reminded of how bad for the environment their diet is and how animals suffer and die for it, especially they themselves keep pointing out that it's 100% normalized by our society and almost none of them will ever get any pushback for eating meat except for maybe having to read some posts online about how eating meat is bad.

    • UlyssesT [he/him]
      11 months ago

      I've started assuming that every ”But I like eating meat and don't even care that animals suffer” comment is made because of cognitive dissonance.

      I now visualize them having conscience crickets getting more and more frustrated as they ride on the shoulders of small-scale Big Jack Horners, which sums up "fuck you, got mine" smuglord ideology and worldviews quite a bit.

      Anyone who makes the cricket act up makes the Big Jack Horner angrier.