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    • Chutt_Buggins [he/him]
      3 years ago


      I get the meme, but my ancestors did actually eat and use dogs in living memory and my grandma is very upset that we can't anymore since whites came up and colonized us. Some poor people still use dogs this way because there is no better alternative. It is actually a topic she brings up randomly out of the blue, that's how much it was central to our traditions. Traditions that have ended only because of colonizer moralizing and force.

      I know its jokes and all but it still directly touches on my family and culture enough for this to not be cool in my eyes, but I am not trying to get users banned or anything, just showing that not all people love the bit.

      Some people on here are too angry and blinded by their own terminally online worldviews to take disagreement in a healthy way.

      • chair [he/him]
        3 years ago

        not being allowed to eat dogs makes my grandma upset

        Is this advanced irony

        • Chutt_Buggins [he/him]
          3 years ago

          it is honesty.

          She grew up eating them and making clothes from them until the era where white people came and killed most of them to make us sedentary and stop traditional living. This was roughly around WW2, and our region became critical for American army infrastructure.

        • Chutt_Buggins [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Yeah I am not even super angry, just once again pointing out when privileged vegans miss the mark and end up punching at some marginalized indigenous/ethnic groups more than any real thing they should focus on.

          This is just business as usual when being indigenous.

          I think veganism is good, actually, but most vegans can be blinded to the reality of others and that blindness often pushes some of the most would-be supporters away (indigenous subsistence peoples with deep connections to lands and animals that are rapidly-changing due to industrial production and climate change)