So, I had been playing Hearthstone since Naxxramas and stopped shortly after the Rastakhan expansion because it had gotten kind of boring and I couldn't keep up without paying.
Switched to MTGA but am taking a breather from that too during this Kaldheim thingy (because vikings are dumb) and decided to check out what was going on in Blizzard land.
My impression is that the devs didn't learn a thing. I thought MTG had a rough year with Ikoria and Eldraine but the power creep seems insane. There's still combo decks that waste half of the play time with stupidly slow animations. They are still using random card generation whenever they run out of ideas. Did they really spent more than a year basically on autopilot or am I missing something?
TL,DR: Did Blizzard fix any of the frequent complaints about HS?
It's been a time since I've played, but they added the Demon Hunter archetype at some point 1 or 2 years ago so it may be worth checking it out again if for nothing else than to try out the new class mechanics.
AFAIK nothing else has really changed.
The new class sounds cool. On the other hand it probably diluted the number of neutral cards in a set even more, which would make deckbuilding more restrictive.
Still worth checking at least the basic set stuff I guess.
TBH I wasn't a fan and I stopped playing not long after that.
I got the impression of "Why would I pick this over Warlock if I want to run demons, or Rogue if I want to run combos?"
The 1-mana class ability lets you exploit the Inspire mechanic more easily in Wild. And it's arguably faster than Warlock with life-gain, so you can come out stronger against the control decks like Warrior and Priest without dying to bursty decks like Hunter and Rogue. Definitely has its niche.
This makes sense. I admit I really wasn't trying very hard to figure out how it would be useful, I was already burned out w/ the game at that point.