Several are real names, if very weird to choose for a kid and/or slightly misspelled. Like Seneca, Samara (which is both a name and a city/region of Russia), I've personally known a Lyra (second worst person I've ever known, and the brainwormed truscum former admin of a certain notable trans discord server), and Elsey is definitely a historically attested name (even if spelling it "Elsie" is more common AFAIK). "Roxi" seems to be a cliched stripper name turning into an actual name. Apparently "Rodi" is just an Italian name, derived from the island of Rhodes.
Several are real names, if very weird to choose for a kid and/or slightly misspelled. Like Seneca, Samara (which is both a name and a city/region of Russia), I've personally known a Lyra (second worst person I've ever known, and the brainwormed truscum former admin of a certain notable trans discord server), and Elsey is definitely a historically attested name (even if spelling it "Elsie" is more common AFAIK). "Roxi" seems to be a cliched stripper name turning into an actual name. Apparently "Rodi" is just an Italian name, derived from the island of Rhodes.