I always considered myself agnostic leaning atheist. I consider leftism to be antithetical towards religion. All religions have a class structure to them, do priests, rabbis, or imams not exist? And what about marxism, is karl marx not venerated by some leftists in a weird atheist sort of way?

  • Collatz_problem [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    It's really weird to see American takes on religion, because in Eastern Europe religion and especially organised religion was always the backbone of reactionary movements. There are nothing even remotely similar to liberation theology, and religious people are extremely susceptible to nationalist, anti-LGBT and pro-capitalist propaganda.

    • Parzivus [any]
      3 years ago

      It's the same shit in America and probably worldwide.
      Like, the good things that come from religion are always outweighed by the bad, the reactionaries always outnumber the rest. The rhetoric that oppresses everyone but white men is consistently backed up by the bible, especially LGBTQ+ these days. People where I live haven't even moved past the "homosexuality is a sin" phase yet, and they talk about it openly without fear of retaliation or opposition. And, I know some people will disagree with me here, but looking at Islamic traditionalists in the Middle East and Indonesia is like looking in a fucking mirror. All Abrahamic religions should be abolished, at the very least.

    • SerLava [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Liberation theology barely exists here, it seems like more of a project to me.

      In America, we don't really have much Christianity - we have several syncretic religions combining white supremacy with Christian imagery. I absolutely guarantee you, if Jesus floated down from the heavens, 20% of the Evangelicals, generously, would stop calling themselves Christian because he would come down with brown skin. Most of the rest just wouldn't acknowledge it.

      • RedCoat [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Catholic Worker organisations have done a lot of good work in the US starting just before the second world war up to modern day. Worth reading up on, i'm agnostic myself but I at least found it cool to see how religion can be used as a force for so many positive things when the people in charge aren't POS.