I always considered myself agnostic leaning atheist. I consider leftism to be antithetical towards religion. All religions have a class structure to them, do priests, rabbis, or imams not exist? And what about marxism, is karl marx not venerated by some leftists in a weird atheist sort of way?

  • space_comrade [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Hot take: abrahamic religions are all fucking nasty. They are nasty towards women and they are nasty towards LGBT people. I grew up in a poor-ish heavily Catholic country, and hoo boy does it do damage to people's lives. I honestly can't imagine Islam being any better in any muslim country. I think a lot of leftists go too far with the tolerance and at some point start romanticizing shitty reactionary belief systems just because they grabbed the shit end of the historical stick.

    I obviously have a lot of Catholic people in my life that I respect no matter their religion but I firmly believe all of them would be better off if they would drop those awful old beliefs. I think the same applies to muslim people.

    • rozako [she/her]
      3 years ago

      Yes and you can believe all that while not being rude to people of the faith (not BAD people like sexists or racists or etc, but just normal christians or muslims or jewish people). some leftists don’t do that and instead just sound... really racist when they talk about the religions. in your experiences, some leftists go too far in tolerance. but in my experiences i have seen many white leftists say some very vile things in the name of atheism.

      also i rather people of the faith or raised in the faith criticize it than other’s, personally. Kind of like how Roma men can be horribly sexist, abusive, homophobic, but I don’t give a fuck what a non-Roma person has to say about us... but I know other people don’t agree with that. just my own thoughts on criticism that tends to come from others about oppressed groups.

      • space_comrade [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Yeah those are all good points. I mostly keep my opinions to myself when talking to religious people, I'm very much over my edgy militant atheist phase.

        but in my experiences i have seen many white leftists say some very vile things in the name of atheism.

        Yeah that happens too no doubt, I'm probably a bit blind to that since my opinions lean more to that side.