The consumption of cocaine has been a disaster for the human race. An untold amount of violence and aggression for South/Latin Americans to maintain captial-driven distribution routes for US Chadlings. A boycott on cocaine would end vicious cycles of poverty and violence. Discuss.
I guess I'm lucky that I don't really enjoy coke. I've done it a handful of times and it does feel kind of nice for a bit but I usually end up having long conversations with people I don't like and end up feeling like shit on the comedown. Plus some of the shittiest people I know love coke, like dudes in sales and shit.
That said, if you like doing coke I really don't care. Yeah there are some ethical issues with it but I have a couple pairs of Nikes so who am I to judge. The war on drugs is fucking stupid and it creates this environment for exploitation and violence. I don't blame the consumer anywhere near as much as the system.
Now if you'll excuse me I'll be sticking to weed, booze, and psychedelics like god intended.