Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Ok so to cheer the place up a bit I thought I'd share my Halloween story. This was about 30 years ago it's still clear as day in my head. My brother bought this hideous mask thing, it kinda looked like a deranged werewolf, a whole rubber mask over the head deal with God ugly wild hair. I had not seen it.

    Walking down the darkened hallway at home heading for my bedroom, he waited in a doorway half way down and when I got close he said "boo". Not loud. Just boo. Well I fucking shit and let out some very explicit language. He just walks off. I was test subject number 1.

    Come Halloween night (it was still daylight) he's watching out the window waiting for some teenagers. Finally 3 poor unsuspecting children rock up and just before they ring the bell he flings open the door and in the most horrible Freddy Kruger type voice screams "Ya wants some candy?" They absolutely shat, screamed and tried to run then they laughed. He then has a chat to them to make sure that they're OK. Finished up with "be sure to tell you friends".

    He comes in satisfied that it worked. Asks "should I hold a kitchen knife next time?" "No". "It's not real". "No".

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Dad kind of casually dropped during the week that I should go up to Moama this weekend for the day to take my new car out and that he'll come, but it sounded like he was half kidding and I said nah because I'm over the pokies (Moama = pokies trip at the Moama Bowls Club). I realised last night that he has been home alone for a month and a half and doing daily trips to Williamstown hospital to see Mum and he probably actually needs a day out.. especially before Mum gets out of the hospital and they'll still be stuck at home for a while. Just called him and said let's go tomorrow, I'll come over later today so we can watch the Australia NZ game tonight and I'll stay over then we can head off in the morning. He sounds very happy.

  • Thornburywitch@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Very pretty sky above Thornbury. Mare's tails, mackerel clouds and curtains of ice crystals with blue between, all swirling about. If this was dawn, it would be incredibly spectacular. Wind is pretty strong though.

  • bull⚡@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    I offered to take over organising my family secret santa this year because my brother in law who usually does it almost had a breakdown last year trying to wrangle the old people who completely forgot who they were buying for.

    If you're organising one; this is an excellent site to do it: Secret Santa Bash

    You can select whether direct loops are possible (two people buying for each other) and also add custom rules like X must/can't buy for Y. It's free and easy. You can monitor who has viewed the party and if they haven't after a few days give them a call and get them to check their spam folder. My gmail address didn't filter it out but my microsoft one put it in the junk folder.

    Oh and there is wish list function so you can give your secret santa a hint on what to get you!

  • Catfish@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Sneak peak *removed externally hosted image* It’s rather hard to photo through the shite glass at this place. Grump.

  • Bottom_racer@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Introducing last nights' STASH™

    *removed externally hosted image*

    got everything used up no waste even with an elevated BAC. I do need to clean the kitchen now :(

  • Rusty Raven @aussie.zoneM
    8 months ago

    After owning my headphones for a few years I have just discovered that there is a compartment in the case with a usb and audio cord inside it. I had no idea.

  • Bacon@aussie.zone
    8 months ago
    the nukes have gone off  
    the internet will soon cease
    the millennial plays neopets into the final second of humanity
    • Nath@aussie.zone
      8 months ago

      Fun fact RE: The Internet: It was literally designed to survive a nuclear holocaust.

      Networks at the time all had a central node, and any such node would obviously be a target for a nuke. So, the Internet was designed so that you could blow 90% of it up, and the remaining 10% would keep working.

      Unfortunately, I live in a city with both an air force and naval base. I'm less than 10km in a direct line to the centre of the city. Unless I get a fair bit of warning, our family is toast.

      • Bacon@aussie.zone
        8 months ago

        I'm a little further from the CBD but once they blow up the data centers and the lines internet is gone. I'll have to wait a little longer for radiation to get to me.

      • Bacon@aussie.zone
        8 months ago

        completing 5 neopets daily tasks earns you 20000NP. The individual tasks come with NP and items too. My neopet is currently bloated so I need to wait for him to not feel sick before I can feed him and complete the tasks. The day resets at 6pm.

  • Llabyrinthine@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Every time I think I’ve gotten a bit more used to riding in the windy, the wind is like, 😈😈😈, nope, FU!

    I swear, 90mins and it’s like none of my limbs are functioning now. Eating is an effort!

    • Taleya@aussie.zone
      8 months ago

      Somehow the winds in moorabbin conspire against me, i get a fuggen headwind to my location, then a headwind heading back home, in different compass directions. How. Howwww.

  • Taleya@aussie.zone
    8 months ago

    Whippers be snipped, concrete and bricks be stacked in stooks (or possibly stooked in stacks), and both green bin and overflow green bin be stuffed to the gills.

    thumps table MORE TEA