
F in the chat for her mental health... braver than the troops

  • Awoo [she/her]
    3 years ago

    It's worse than that. Capitalism in online influencers incentivises liberalisation.

    The goal of an influencer is growth, audience growth. In order to appeal to the largest possible audience influencers are incentivised to liberalise further and further to appeal to more and more people in the existing hegemony.

    All the growth focused influencers fail to realise that they are consistently liberalisng further and further the more they ask themselves the question "what can I do to grow more?".

    • grisbajskulor [he/him]
      3 years ago

      It's a stretch but you could argue mass movements have to go through a similar path to become popular in a right-wing country. That balance of appealing to a mass base while not watering down the project.