As I said before this is an unsafe site for Indigenous people. I’m out. Don’t bother DMing me. I’m scrambling my password and locking myself out of my own account. I’ve grown to care for and trust a lot of you so it’s hard to leave but it is clear that this site isn’t for me. I understand that the world and internet at large is really shitty to vegans so I understand and support the need for a safe space to process your experiences and to practice your dunks. All the best, signing off.

Reposted here since it is invisible where I first posted it.

  • skeletorsass [she/her]
    4 years ago

    I have very close friends who are religious "vegans" (they do not use any equal term). I respect them a lot and will come eat with them any day. They are nothing like this, and yet they are the most devoted to being vegan, it is their divine order! Vegans have a lot to contribute and are important. I want to hear from them. If I could enough I would probably become.

    The way these user act is more like the way I was treated by some during the time in my life where I was living as a Chinese minority in Indonesia. They do not understand and will not listen, trying to make me follow the Muslim customs and berating my culture. (many people I met were also very nice though)