• onlinepersona@programming.dev
    8 months ago

    People at the intersection of people skills and technical knowledge are so hard to come by. You have customers who can't articulate themselves talking to people who don't understand what's possible, that in turn transmit what the customer wants incorrectly to people who will take on anything, which is finally shoved into the lap of a developer who isn't an architect and has no domain knowledge. Of course it has to be finished yesterday and without bugs.

    It's just surprising that anything works, but it's just like life "good enough ™ ".

    • 7bicycles [he/him]
      8 months ago

      it's "the computer is a magic box that can do anything (customer side)" clashing against "the computer is a magic box that can do anything (IT folks)" and boy do these two seemingly similar views not mesh well

      Allthough I swear to god, unless you're actively developing new tech like LLM or something most everything is a problem of processes and organisation first and foremost and then an IT problem much, much later

  • booty [he/him]
    8 months ago

    dawww, i also like the horrfying mutant elecat