Woke culture and political correctness are why China is eating our lunch. What a fantastic 10 minutes, thanks Bill Maher!

  • jilgangga [doe/deer]
    4 years ago

    Kinda terrifying that the libs and the chuds are gonna learn all the wrong lessons from China. Next they gonna be like “China successful cuz cONfUCiAn tRAdITiONaL FaMiLY vAluEs aND oRIeNTaL wORK eTHiCs”

    • AcidSmiley [she/her]
      4 years ago

      They never learn. We've seen it throughout the pandemic, libs and chuds alike going "well yeah, when you're an authoritarian dictatorship with total disregard for human rights, you can enact an effective lockdown", never noticing that the only "authoritarian dictatorships" that didn't royally fuck up their pandemic response were the PRC, the DPRK, Cuba, Vietnam and Laos. I wonder what these states have in common that other states don't have, because having a ton of cops and a giant surveilance aparatus is obviously not useful in itself or the US wouldn't have to put their corpse overflow into cooling trucks.

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      4 years ago

      Haha. High Speed Rail goes Vroom.

      Like, Maher's right about one thing. Americans don't do anything anymore. They point at a problem, shout about it, blame each other, fight like rabid wombats over the top spot, and then settle in to simply defend the degraded status quo. But Maher's also a symptom of that do-nothing-ness. His entire career is predicated on finding flamboyant conservative peacocks to argue with in between trying to get Cancelled into his next multi-million dollar media gig.

      Say what you will about Jon Stewart, but the man finds a passion and then throws his heart into it. Even if he's a naive lib-brained baby, at times, his heart is in the right place. But Maher's a mercenary who just wants to be on a winning team. He's mad that China is coming out ahead, but he won't actually use his platform to seriously push for any of the shit he says we're supposed to care about. I'm not sure he even knows how to anymore. All he can do is "Grind My Gears" bits every week, as the country crumbles around him.