Subscribe to the Real Time YouTube: warns Americans that while they're busy obsessing over silly culture wars, China is overtaking...
Woke culture and political correctness are why China is eating our lunch. What a fantastic 10 minutes, thanks Bill Maher!
Insecure chronically horny incel fetishizes Asian women
Lashes out at Asian sex workers
These attacks couldn't have been racially motivated because the perpetrator was horny
Glenn Greenwald was pushing the same lib-tier shit on his Substack. The need to "But Aktuly" the conversation is strong among white men for some crazy reason.
OP, you missed out on Maher's bad take of this week where he said he believed that the Atlanta Spa Shootings were not racially motivated.
Insecure chronically horny incel fetishizes Asian women
Lashes out at Asian sex workers
Glenn Greenwald was pushing the same lib-tier shit on his Substack. The need to "But Aktuly" the conversation is strong among white men for some crazy reason.