Hospitals should not be charging organ donors or their families anything.
Hospitals should not be charging
organ donors or their families anything
Everything I've ever read says that that's not the case. I'm thinking the situation here where they had to keep the body alive and that body was of a minor whose costs would be passed along to the parents is a rare exception to the rule - if you're an adult and you die there shouldn't be any bills being passed along to your family.
Interesting, thanks for pointing that out. I even heard that some places pay if you donate your organs but I decided to become an organ donor because it's just the right and ethical thing to do. Hopefully some guy's life could change out of it or maybe it helps some medical student out.
This lady is mad at her insurance when she should be pissed at the hospital charging her so they can profit off of her child's organs. Wtf?
3rd party organizations are in charge of the harvesting process and make sure the donor's organs are suitable. The hospital continues to keep the bodies alive with transfusions and subsequently the organs need to be harvested in the OR. I guess all these things have different budgets and cost centers, different billing codes. It's the ultimate commodification of the working class. They extract value even from our spare parts.
Wtf. How is it that my estate has to pay to donate them, and then whoever gets them also has to pay. They are fucking us in the mouth and ass
You know I've never considered that I should take myself off the organ donor list so as not to stick one of my family members with a hospital bill, but maybe that's where we're at.