So much for "we support our vegan comrades" from what, 3 days ago

  • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    If I'm being honest, I also think the whole thing was badly handled. I think if we're onboarding an outside community, there should be clear expectations about what is required to integrate them into the existing one.

    I think the VCJ people thought the jerk was going to continue unabated and that they would be free to bully people into veganism, and why wouldn't they? Nobody said otherwise. And I think some of the admins were totally okay with this as well

    I think the existing userbase thought that the VCJ people would be like the existing vegan community here, which always had a strong presence, but got along with everyone else.

    A clear statement of expectations, and enforcing long-standing rules on courtesy and secretarianism could have avoided a lot this. VCJ people who weren't okay with being in solidarity with non-vegans would probably have by and large gone elsewhere and neither side would have experienced the need to have a knife fight to the death over the future of the site