For you see, I can never forget a password! Do you doubt my claim? Ha! Allow me to illustrate: picture, if does not too greatly pain your feeble mind, a chessboard in three dimensions. A pawn on this board may move a single space forward, as it is want to do. But! It may, instead, move a single space up. Indeed, the movement of any piece can be extended into this new direction. This concept, while surely a marvelous novelty to yourself, is merely an amusing toy to a tactical mind such as my own. I have explored, tested, and triumphed over the third dimension - its implications in a game of chess are, to me, as ordinary as water to a fish. But not without use. My, aha, 'words of passage' are generated not by any sort of manager, but by my own feats of strategy! Why, even the password to this Hexagonal Bear of yours is the alpha-numeric encoding of an admittedly rather dull game between myself and Mr. Kissinger.