From my first goodbye post:

If my counting is correct, it has been 92 days since the pronoun tag shitshow. That evening I decided to make a positivity post in the hopes of bringing back some semblance of light to the trans (and honestly all gender minority) users on the site. The next day, the neopronoun shitshow kicked off. I again decided to make a thread expressing my love for the trans members of the site. It was titled “For every day of the struggle, I will love y’all even harder”. Well, the struggle kept going and my love for my trans comrades is at an all-time high.

If I was smart, I would have never come back. Unfortunately, it turned out that there were some other users on this site who shared a vision of how it could move past being an irony-poisoned hellhole full of toxic behavior and turn into an actual platform for organizing and praxis. Well, it seems like the number of people who still believe that can happen is quickly dwindling and if that's the case, there's no reason for me to stick around.

Now, I was planning on keeping the love posts going for a bit longer, but then I saw the post that had to be screenshotted and paired with this post because @Terkrockerfeller decided to delete it after I commented. I've been trying through hundreds of posts and comments to cut through the toxic debatebro irony-poisoned bullshit that permeates this site and build a culture of comradely sincerity and love and what do I get? Not comments sharing ideas on how to push my daily threads further. Not other users making posts full of positivity themselves. No, I get a passive-aggressive subpost saying that the threads I've poured all of my heart into for over 150 fucking days are "rote/performative" that didn't even have the guts to fucking @ me. I guess I'll take that as my cue to get the fuck out of here.

Nothing about this site will improve unless its userbase can pull their heads out of their asses, start giving a shit about other people, and actually put in the fucking effort to make the world a better place. Unfortunately that doesn't look like it's going to happen any time soon.

I'm done. Fuck you @Terkrockerfeller and fuck this fucking website

      • Smeagolicious [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Yeah the general characterization here seems to be that Terk was a chud or something, which isn't true.

        Edit: Every post getting removed?

          • Smeagolicious [they/them]
            3 years ago

            Ah clever. Much easier to just claim she's a chud rather than to come to grips with the realization that in a community with users of diverse political ideology, background, and mental bearing; in which disagreements happen and mistakes get made that can't be simply excused as the actions of reactionary/conservative ideology, the best solution might not be to resort immediately to permabanning? I wanted to at least make the perspective clear that Terk, for what mistakes she had in posting that thread, is I know 1)a trans woman and not some agitator chud 2)ND and had concerns over the way her thoughts were being communicated over text. The ban I think was knee-jerk but I'm also a bit disappointed with the characterization of Terk as a fucking chud wrecker to retroactively smooth over the decision in people's minds. I would ask what "walking like a chud/talking like a chud" means in this context, especially when it has been stated the issue was one of "passive aggressive action" towards a regular user, which I'm sure has never been displayed by any leftists on this site. Ban or don't, but the retroactive portrayal and general dogpiling gives me a bad taste.

      • DashEightMate [any]
        3 years ago

        How was it not inflammatory? "Facebook type of positivity" is such a non issue, it's literally just thinly veiled passive-aggressiveness. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all.