In the Industrial Revolution, there was definitely a sense of communal hatred due to the proximity of your coworkers that later led to the 8 hour work week. France has protests weekly because of how their cities are compared to USA's garbage suburb/city/car system. With WFH, what's stopping isolated workers who are pretending they're working all day from being on instagram and liking reactionary memes?

  • quartz [she/her]
    3 years ago

    Well, actually the outlook is pretty bad. The bosses got the NLRB to determine that even though it's communication in the workplace, you do NOT have the right to perform concerted activity relating to job conditions, exploitation, etc over the email system. They can just ban you from speaking about this supposedly legally protected class of subjects. So that makes things a lot tougher, especially because it's harder to convince someone of something over the internet, without the benefit of body language.