It’s really disappointing seeing someone getting upbears for saying that if you don’t read theory, you’re a counterrevolutionary liberal.

I can’t even get out of bed in the morning for like 3 hours, let alone make time in my day to read after the pile of stuff I have backed up that I need to do.

Am I the only one that feels this way?

  • Septbear [love/loves]
    3 years ago

    Well I have autism, adhd, anxiety and bipolar so I am a member of this comm just as you are. I suffered from avoidant personality disorder for along time becuase I was so sensetive to rejection. I honestly do understand what it is like. It's not my immediate assumption either it is a learned response I built up over a decade of fighting my anxiety to help me face the world. My first response is always fear or shame or doubt but I have trained myself to dismiss that first thought as just my illnesses and instead choose to have have good faith in my fellow humans and tell myself that people are being kind to me. Or atleast try to. I don't always succeed I still have lots of problems I am not facing because of shame and guilt in my life. I am getting better at it the more I try.

    I was just trying to share what helped me. I'm sorry I probably could have worded myself better but communication is not my strong point since I spent over a decade not doing very much of it. When ever two people communicate there is always miscommunication as everyone has different persepctives. It takes a dialogue to get to the truth and sometime that dialogue is with two sides of yourself. You are on a leftist website some part of you must beleive humanity is capable of being nice and helping each other and working together for all our betterment. You just have to nuture that part of you. I do know how hard that is and I know it is daily struggle and I am sorry if I sounded dismissive of your stuggle.

    • ThatsNotPraxis [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Ah, okay, my bad. No, looking back on it, your advice is helpful especially with you mentioning about this being a learned part of your perspective.

      Other than that, I apologize for assuming you didn’t know what I was going through because if I hadn’t assumed that, then your initial post would have made sense. Idk why I assumed that too, probably because I’m working in “real life, no one understands this” mentality, but you’re right.

      Your insight here was incredibly helpful, and I think I’ll go forward being able to be better about things since I’ll probably be like “just remember what septbear said, don’t assume your immediate emotional reaction is how people view you.” It’s been a life long struggle of mine, and I only recently (like maybe 2 weeks ago) was diagnosed with adhd and RSD, and so it’s been like “I have all of the validation that I have ADHD + RSD but none of the work has been done by myself to now reframe my life experiences and build reinforcing strategies.

      I want to stress that I apologize for the portion of my response where I essentially said “you don’t know what I’m going through!”, because if I had exercised a bit of good faith, I wouldn’t have immediately assumed you weren’t working from an informed perspective.

      • Septbear [love/loves]
        3 years ago

        Don't beat yourself up. It's an illness you literally cannot help your response. I did not take it personally. I'm glad I could help you and I'm sorry for not explaining myself better the first time. Luckily we established a dialogue. and worked things out :big-cool: