cap-think What's been going on the past three years? It must have been those damn lockdowns!

capitalist-laugh I know, we'll just change the definition of what disabled means!

BTW, It is extremely difficult to get on disability in the US, so this chart is almost certainly undercounting how many people are getting their lives ruined by some mystery cause.

  • D3FNC [any]
    9 months ago

    I feel like the old school A.D.A. activists had the right stance with their approach of lobbying for federal legislation for mandatory universal carve-outs on the basis of 'everyone starts this life disabled, best case scenario everyone ends this life with disability; disability is an inevitability of having lived, not an admission of failure

    I say this to preface, Frank, my deeply weird brother, with love - if I ever catch you even joking about being a parasite again I will find you. And I will administer punishment.

    Probably a hug.