critical thinking is when you write "critical thinking" on the whiteboard/screen, and the more times you write it the criticaler it is
critical thinking is when you write "critical thinking" on the whiteboard/screen, and the more times you write it the criticaler it is
they're eating the DOGS
they're eating the CATS
they're eating the PETS
of the people that live there
Finished with about 8 hours in the year to spare!
I definitely got a lot out of this. I'd previously read excerpts from Vol. I for a class, and while that was definitely a good first taste, I think it's really important for actual understanding to have the broader perspective of Marx's argument that requires actually going and reading all the way through rather than trying to pick out isolated and decontextualized bits of understanding.
I'm a little sad I wasn't able to participate in the group more, I was constantly a few weeks behind pretty much the entire year - whenever I was just about caught up I'd either get really busy, or Marx would start talking about some particular misunderstanding of Adam Smith's for 50 pages causing my eyes to glaze over. I'm hoping I can maybe skim back over it along with next year's group so that I can contribute some to discussion.
The occasional dry Adam Smith passage aside, Marx is actually a really engaging and (mostly) surprisingly clear writer. I could only manage maybe 10 pages an hour most of the time, but despite the pace it never really feels like just a textbook. What Marx does especially well (and what I think doesn't come through unless you read him on his own terms) is that he encourages the process of critical thinking in his readers. It's a testament I think to his strength as a writer that I often found myself getting lost in thought digesting the implications of a particular development and at times anticipating the direction of the argument pages or even chapters ahead.
Overall, 10/10 great book great experience would recommend
beepboopasaurus comrade
God forgot about him and thanks Hexbear for the reminder
I spent like an hour trying to get DALL-E to give me a good ancom Netanyahu for a prostate removal joke but it wouldn't budge
Now if we can just keep this rate up there will be 770000*1.181^76 = 238 billion homeless Americans by end of century. Matt Yglesias will be pleased
If police police police police, who police police police? Police police police police police police.
a pasadise of sweet teats
>thuggish tactics
>pic shows her being manhandled by cops
next time don't aim for the bladder
GOOD post very succinct
"It’s, you know, claim denied on my prayers there,” referring to rote and unserious condolences.
I love how bourgeois media is just collectively pretending they don't know what the word "deny" means
what kinda socialist is this much of a recluse?
typo of WLW (women loving women) - copy-pasting from the OP reveals it's a lowercase
and not anI
(A Cincinnati radio station does incidentally also appear as the top Google result, though the following several results reference the queer terminology.)