• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • My point is that Tesla falls firmly into luxury car price range - so rather than incentivising 'average' people to choose an EV equivalent of say a Toyota Corolla, which will then trickle down as it's sold and resold, we're getting an overrepresentation of Merc and BMW buyers choosing Tesla. Perhaps that's to help do their part to reduce emissions, perhaps as a status symbol - it arguably doesn't matter. What does matter is that it appears we're seeing more of the luxury EVs than 'affordable' EVs - and that's going to matter deeply when it comes to adopttion by the masses.

  • It's certainly a complex future I fear. We have a PHEV which I look at positively from an overall km/L basis - but because we live 20mins or so 'from town' we don't do a lot of electric-only running. It would seem we may be penalised for that in the future - hit with both the petrol taxes and the electric RUCs.

    Interestingly, having just come back from Auckland, I was astounded at the number of Tesla's on the road - given their price point, it would seem that the EV rebate is going to people who arguably don't need it