Woop, first in for the day! What have you got planned? How's your day been so far? What's your top tip for a successful week ahead?!

  • Axisential@lemmy.nz
    11 months ago

    Road trip for me. Couple of hours each way to Arthur's Pass and and back to pick up a second hand commercial dishwasher. Looking forward to getting up in the mountains - best therapy ever! Might see if I can fit in a wander up to the Devil's Punchbowl along the way

  • sortofblue@lemmy.nz
    11 months ago

    Already at work but the sun is out and it's not freezing so mood is good. This morning I made a goal list for the week, just a couple of things to try and keep in mind so I'll see how that goes.

  • 2tapry@lemmy.nz
    11 months ago

    Just a quote I found of interest this morning from ABC Australia:

    "Other countries, including Australia, take GST off fruit and vegetables. In fact, most countries that have a form of GST have carve-outs for certain items, and if anything, New Zealand is currently an outlier."

    Not what the various pundits will have you believe. I remember when the change came through in Aus. (I was there), there was a lot of bluff and bluster, but it turned out not to be nearly as difficult in the end.

    • eagleeyedtiger@lemmy.nz
      11 months ago

      Yeah it's weird how they keep going on about our great simple GST system, when multiple large countries have implemented it without too many issues.

      Another sentiment I've seen is "Wealthy people buy fruits and veg too!!!" So what? Why can't we just help everyone? Everyone should be eating more fruits and vegetables. If it leads to healthier varied diets for everyone, it's a net benefit as a whole to us.

  • NoRamyunForYou@lemmy.nz
    11 months ago

    We're getting some heatpumps installed later this week, and planned to have a couple of the outdoor units mounted to the walls due to lack of space.

    I suddenly came to the thought of "would they be too loud from inside the house with their humming", and was wondering if anyones had any experience?

    We are getting the Mitsubishi AP series, and the house is 200mm Masonry block on the downstairs, and Brick Veneer on the upstairs (Not too sure which of the two they will be mounted to).

    • eagleeyedtiger@lemmy.nz
      11 months ago

      Can’t comment on it being mounted to the wall, but ours can’t be heard outside our brick house. It’s an older Fujitsu, it can actually be pretty loud outside when it’s on high but we don’t hear it over the sound of the indoor unit when it’s that high anyway.

  • SamC@lemmy.nz
    11 months ago

    Tried to sit outside for lunch since it's nice and sunny. But it's Wellington, so of course it wasn't that pleasant due to the cold wind. FML.

    • Dave@lemmy.nzM
      11 months ago

      Wellington - can't beat it on a nice day [insert beautiful photo, taken out a window, that fails to show how awful it is actually being outside with the freezing wind]