BillNyeTheCommieGuy [he/him]


  • 7 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: September 17th, 2021


  • The tasselled wobbegong is not a particularly large shark and reaches maximum lengths of approximately four feet (1.25 m). Though it is not an aggressive species, individuals have been known to bite people who accidentally get too close (or purposefully tease it), most certainly as a means of self-defense.

    The tasselled wobbegong is not fished throughout most of its range, but local populations may be reduced from targeted and accidental fishing. Reef scientists consider habitat loss to be more of a concern to this species than fishing, but current populations are thought to generally be stable.

  • BillNyeTheCommieGuy [he/him]
    toscience📎 Operation Paperclip 🖇️
    2 years ago

    On where the name came from:

    “Army Intelligence officers reviewing the OMGUS security reports of certain scientists could discreetly attach a paperclip to the files of the more troublesome cases. Those files would not be presented to the State Department right away. Instead, those men would remain under military custody in America, most likely for a longer period of time than some of their fellows. As a result, the Nazi scientist program got a new code name.”

    Excerpt From: Annie Jacobsen. “Operation Paperclip.”

  • BillNyeTheCommieGuy [he/him]
    toscience📎 Operation Paperclip 🖇️
    2 years ago

    The soviets raided the homes of nazis scientists in the middle of the night, made them work in gulags, and frequently trialed/executed them for war crimes as they were found to no longer be useful.

    The americans let the nazi scientists run NASA, gave them honorary degrees, and had them star in propaganda films.

  • BillNyeTheCommieGuy [he/him]
    toscience📎 Operation Paperclip 🖇️
    2 years ago

    Wernher Von Braun received a dozen honourary doctorates, has two buildings named after him at the University of Alabama, was elected to the National Academy of Engineering, is in the US Space & Rocket hall of fame, has a crater on the moon named after him, and a street in NY.

    He was also a Major in the SS (SS-Sturmbannführer), developed a great many of the Nazi rocket missiles right up to the V-2 that obliterated swathes of civilians and buildings in London and elsewhere. Wernher also approved the use of slave labour from Nazi death camps to make his rockets, many of his victims died in great numbers due to the appalling conditions.

    More people were killed making the V-2 rocket at the factory at Peenemünde than were killed by their bombardments (12,000 - 20,000 slave labour deaths compared to an approximated 9,000 deaths via V-2 rocket, which includes 2,754 London civilians). Von Braun admitted visiting the Mittelwerk factory at least a dozen times and being aware of the "repulsive" (his words) conditions the slave workers were kept in. He was aware that deaths were commonplace, and is noted as passing within inches of the dead and not so much as batting an eyelid.

    He made no attempt to prevent any of these thousands upon thousands of deaths, though he was aware, and 'I didn't think I could do anything' has never been accepted as a defence for even the lowiest members of the SS, let alone a relatively high-ranking one.

    '... also the German scientists led by Prof. Wernher von Braun were aware of everything daily. As they went along the corridors, they saw the exhaustion of the inmates, their arduous work and their pain. Not one single time did Prof. Wernher von Braun protest against this cruelty during his frequent stays at Dora. Even the aspect of corpses did not touch him: On a small area near the ambulance shed, inmates tortured to death by slave labor and the terror of the overseers were piling up daily. But, Prof. Wernher von Braun passed them so close that he was almost touching the corpses'

    - Adam Cabala, former death camp inmate and holocaust survivor.

    Other buildings named after von Braun in the world have since been renamed, in order to not glorify the name of this particular former SS officer. Yet now he's known for putting the US on the moon, rather than for being involved in the deaths of tens of thousands of allied civilians and slave workers. Quite the turnaround.

    Here is an interesting and useful journal article entitled Wernher von Braun, the SS, and Concentration Camp Labor: Questions of Moral, Political, and Criminal Responsibility

    - - -

    Related, Arthur Rudolph was chief engineer of the Peenemünde V-2 rocket factory. When a labour shortage hit in April 1943, he endorsed Hans Kammler's plans to use concentration camp prisoners as a slave labour workforce. He was brought over to the US as part of Operation Paperclip🖇️ , and in 1954 was still described as "a loyal member of the National Socialist German Labor Party (NSDAP), and is the type of person who would not stop at anything if it might further his ambitions. He had the reputation of being a person who, in his enthusiasm for the Nazi Regime, could be dangerous to a fellow employee who did not guard his language."

    For his work in the US (having avoided the Dora War Crimes Trial and having thus escaped punishment for his involvement in the deaths of tens of thousands), he received an Honorary Doctor of Science, a Department of the Army Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service, the NASA Exceptional Service Medal and the NASA Distinguished Service Medal.

    He was highly glorified in the US - that is, until 1984, when, after investigations by the Office of Special Investigations related to the Dora War Crimes Trial which he managed to avoid, he agreed to relinquish his US citizenship rather than face trial for specific war crimes related to Mittelwerk. Since it was agreed that the only charges which hadn't passed the statute of limitations were those around 12,000 charges of murder, he chose to give up his citizenship rather than face trial and put his family through the ordeal.

    He was left stateless and went to Germany, where he was eventually given West German citizenship. There were a couple of attempts to strip him of his NASA DSM, which were rejected. He is regarded as a war criminal, but was glorified by his new nation until the potential upcoming trial for war crimes became a...problem. For his help, the US gave him the option to make the problems just...go away, by relinquishing citizenship. Had he actually declared his full involvement back when he arrived in the US in '45, he'd potentially never have had to face these charges at all.

    Of course, that's just two nazis brought to the US via 📎Operation Paperclip🖇️. There were 1,600 other nazis given asylum by the United States, each of whom had their own story.

    The US were not the only ones keen to help Nazis escape justice in exchange for services. The Catholic Church ran ratlines to South America for many of the very worst nazis who managed to escape punishment. If you were a top Nazi with a serious stockpile of stolen gold - well then hallelujah!

  • BillNyeTheCommieGuy [he/him]toearthYeen
    3 years ago

    You know what, I'll write a post on this!

    Edit: I'm learning so much more on this topic! How cool! I'll post later today after work.

  • BillNyeTheCommieGuy [he/him]toearthYeen
    3 years ago

    Well this is a fun one!

    Female hyenas have three times more testosterone than males, which results in a peculiar and risky labor process. Female hyenas give birth through their clitoris, also called a pseudo-penis. The birth canal of a hyena is only about one inch across, and consequently, many hyena babies do not survive.