DelicatePorcelain [none/use name]

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: December 14th, 2021

  • Hope you’re proud of yourself, your hall monitoring really showed them you dont like what they stand for. But what’s the point? Who’s there to tell you that you did a good job? Who’s comforting voice is going to ask you for help in the other room now that you’re done with your thing? Are you going to tell them how proud you are that you told someone you’ll never meet what you think about them? Would it matter if it was real people, or just characters in a book you were reading? Do you think they were really paying attention? Don’t you think you’re drifting a little too far from whats important to you? Do you even have it at all? Is there someone who’ll listen to you? Dont you have other things to be doing? Other places to be?

  • Sup HexLOSERS,

    Since my wive took the kids and wont let me see them because I know the all seeing all knowing truth about the PLANDEMIC and how the virus and vaccines are fake, i just have this crate of Natty Light and a DVD copy of It’s A Wonderful Life to keep me company this year, except my wife took the combination VHS/DVD player so I have nothing to watch it on.

    And since moving into my new place, all I got so far was a Discover application and a U-LINE catalog in the mail.

  • Not doing well hexlosers, my kid wont take my calls anymore, and my ex-wife has been telling me he likes “Stephen” better and is already calling him “daddy”.

    It’s not fair, I taught him everything he needs to know about why the feminoids are ruining my videogames and how SJWs are infiltrating Hollywood and making the X-men about racism or something. How dare they? They even made “Logan” short and canadian! HOW COULD THEY?