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helmsman@world-computer:~$ nice -20 ./Scripts/2021/ && wall “TURBO MODE”
This is a forum for extremely precocious teenage Lacanians
can somebody please write an article that exposes Paul Graham and takes out HackerNews? It’s basically Stormfront for Silicon Valley at this point
history ends triumphantly: healthcare coupons for all, with employer-provided dental insurance - the self-knowledge of Absolute Spirit
Yes. There are millions upon millions of accelerationists out there, people who spend all day every day trying to exploit the system and make everything worse - the vast majority just call themselves capitalists, and don’t bother to dress it up by loudly announcing their misreading of Deleuze, however
helmsman@world-computer:~$ wall “COVID-19 American Bioterrorism 國安部”
Except for power, everything is an illusion
—Mao Zedong
helmsman@world-computer:~$ service CulturalRevolution restart
helmsman@world-computer:~$ rm -rf ./Australia
The notion of computation currently dominant is that it is an information management tool that helps to reveal the inner workings of nature whether in the analysis of cognitive function, markets, or galaxy formation: scientific tools reveal nature’s ontological character.
Simulation helps us understand reality. Information science, like other sciences, and like “reality itself”, is presumed to pertain beyond the merely social, even if “reality itself” is a simulation.
In the thought experiment that is The World Computer, the aim is to understand that this thinking of information of being everywhere—and thus, as everywhere legible, at least in principle, is a direct extension of the colonial project and carries with it the legacies of slavery, wage labor, heteropatriarchy, and proletarianization...
Are fascists really people? We demand the right to wonder if anyone is left in there after being fully psychocolonized by computational capital’s AI
Metaphysics is a medium of war
don’t be fooled by the fancy accommodations and sleek ergonomics, the first person shooter interfaces, the health monitors, the VR, the AR, the fetching AI, the panoply of apparent choices
and don’t be fooled the the apparently nontechnical conditions of global slums, forced migrations, detention centers, and camps
on the planetary factory floor, rendered n-dimensional by the world computer and its screens, we encounter the unprecedented extension of the colonization of space, time, discourse, mind and the imagination by means of algorithms that operationalize historically produced categories of social difference as so many inflections of class
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