Fleewithme [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: February 1st, 2022


  • Trump not only started no wars. He tried to stop two wars. He was overruled by the Pentagon and State Department (if you're Obama's people, you call them "the blob", if you're Trump's people, you call them "the deep state" - either way it's unelected government flexing and demonstrating that democracy has no effect on their decisions) and the wars continued. Remember after Trump ordered a withdrawal from Syria, a pissed-off McCain made a beeline for Syria and a week later there was a false flag chemical attack that the OPCL said never happened? And then the war had to continue. Darn!

    Then Biden ordered one of the wars stopped, and these same unelected government were absolutely outraged. So in retaliation, they did a poor job of withdrawal and blamed the disaster on Biden. Yet another Suez Moment for America, which seem to keep happening and yet America's standing in the world is the same as ever.

  • I did? "Look at how much space these houses are wasting" They're not wasting space. They are crammed together cheek by jowl. A waste of space is a half acre lot. Plus the houses are three stories, they can't get much higher without installing an elevator. The front yards are postage stamps and the back yards look to be some kind of shared space.

  • Concentration camps were invented by the British to destroy the Boer republics. See, those farmers were sitting on diamond mines, and such wealth was unsuitable for them. It was better suited to the hands of bankers, who would use the wealth responsibly, making the world safe for the spread of Anglo-Saxon capitalism. So a loan was taken out against the value of the diamonds and an army raised. But lo! The army was defeated! No trouble, a second army was raised. And this one was having problems too! So the British invented the concentration camp as a way to starve the defenseless families of the Boer citizen-soldiers. It worked. South Africa was set up not long after. Blood diamonds flowed freely, and the deBeers cartel came into existence. One tribe of whites invented the concentration camp to use on another tribe of whites (and blacks, they were imprisoned too but nobody remembers this).

  • Utility easement. It's not part of their lawn. And in many states the homeowner has the duty to retreat, in one state (Connecticut?) the homeowner can't use force but is expected to jump out the window and flee down the street. The whole country isn't Florida. Some states have sane laws.

  • When you grow your own food you know exactly what went into it.

    The "larger fields" are called factory farms. Sure they're more efficient, but at terrible cost. They wash the fields with toxic pesticides and genocide every living thing that's not the desired plant.

  • These sure don't look like McMansions. Where are the garages? This can't be in America. There's nowhere to park! Three stories? And three chimneys? Porches? This doesn't add up.

    Every house should have its own fenced-in back yard for young fascists to practice marksmanship.

    And what's wrong with high-density housing, anyway? Each house on a half-acre lot...now that's a waste of land. Each one needs to be mowed and chemically washed and mulched and sodded with new grass every year, a tremendous pollution and ill-used resources.

  • Let's be positive and remember the huge #resistance to Trump Reagan when he had the nerve to visit Europe. Millions of good people turned out to reject him and his attempts to start a nuclear war.

    Here's another good article that will warm your heart .

    President Reagan will meet presidents, prime ministers, a pope and a queen during his trip to Europe for the NATO summit, but will also be exposed to thousands of angry Europeans who despise him -- and some who may try to kill him.

    In Paris, the president's first stop on his 10-day, 4-nation tour beginning Wednesday, grand boulevards and winding alleyways alike are lined with posters showing a combat commando gripping a submachine gun and saying 'the terrorist Reagan must be welcomed with hatred, raised fists and loaded arms.'

    Bombs exploded last week at the Rome office of Pan American airlines and an insurance company with U.S. links. The communist group that claimed responsibility for the blast said, 'This is our greeting to the hangman Reagan.'

    The president's personal safety has been most directly threatened in West Germany, cradle of the European peace movement that views Reagan as a warmongering nuclear cowboy.

    Police in Bonn openly admit they fear that terrorists of the Red Army Faction, also known as the Baader-Meinhof gang, may be plotting an assassination attempt.

    'President Reagan certainly would be considered the most important target by the Red Army faction,' West German chief prosecutor Kurt Rebmann was quoted as saying recently. 'If worst comes to worst, a suicide commando would have a chance in Bonn.'

    A bearded man who identified himself as Gerard Budot paused Sunday to explain why he was busily pasting the commando posters along Paris' rue des Martyrs.

    'Reagan is a threat to peace,' he said. 'I despise him and only by such demonstrations can we express our absolute opposition to his fascism.'