Please just wear a mask. For me. For you. For everyone. It's a necessary bit of solidarity.

  • TheModerateTankie [any]
    1 month ago

    1 in 4 people.

    Though the pandemic hit hardest in communities of color where residents had high rates of preexisting conditions and many held service industry jobs that placed them at high risk of contracting the virus, the vast majority of those diagnosed with long COVID are white, non-Hispanic females who live in affluent communities and have greater access to healthcare, he said.


  • HumongousChungus [she/her]
    1 month ago

    "Well if humans weren't building durable immunity, if the deaths weren't a susceptible cohort, if we didn't just need to avert our eyes and let the vulnerable die off, if your risk of getting long COVID was about the same each infection meaning we may all one day have it

    WoUlDn't wE SeE MoRe pEoPlE WiTh lOnG CoViD ThAn wE SeE In tHe sUrVeYs?"