Lavender_Jindosh [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • DISCO has it's issues, but to call it right wing is reactionary. All trek series have their issues in the first few seasons. As garbology points out in the comments, the 3rd season really pushes an idealistic return to form. The writers took a while to find their footing, but it is a good show. Picard was meh I will admit, but this season of Discovery is so good; Lower Decks was also very good and wholesome. The Terran emperor stuff is for sure problematic, but I do appreciate how they really expand the Mirror Universe as it's own context, not just eyeshadow and "evil".

  • As the only Discovery simp on chapo my ranking is as follows: DS9>Lower Decks>Discovery>season 4 of Enterprise>TOS>VOY>TNG>Picard >rest of enterprise

    I have gotten into many posting wars over discovery on this site and others, but I really believe season 3 especially is excellent Trek. I am convinced half the people who parrot how bad it is have never even given it a chance.

    I think you will find that every Trek series first few seasons are rough,but I would say Lower Decks was a surprising exception. It was excellent imo. II hate to rank Picard so low,but I came out of it feeling like it needs another season to really be judged. Jeri Ryan carries it imo,such a badass.

    I have never been able to get into TNG as much as other trek fans. I grew up on DS9 and VOY and always found TNG to be a bit boring and pretentious. I really do need to watch it all again and give it a fairer shot.

    Sorry for the essay, TLDR: new trek good, RLM and Orville bad

  • Yea fuck an entire civilization and sentence them to death cause some vague form of eugenics without even trying to broker some kind of deal or demand for better treatment ment of the Menk.

    It's like if we all lived in Children of Men world and an alien race could cure us but oo sorry, some of you treat dogs badly and they are the genetic future of this world cause we say so. Here is some aspirin tho byyeeee.

    Terrible episode and terrible ideas behind it.

  • I mean technically yea in Dear Doctor there had been no prime directive, but at the end they call for one. Phlox's reasoning is what the prime directive would essentially become. He did not want to interfere with their evolution because maybe the lesser species would evolve to replace them. So instead they gave them a some medicine that relieved some symptoms and fucked off.

    My issue is that they could have helped to relieve suffering if they wanted to but chose not to because of some nebulous potential evolution. The prime directive is used as a shield when the feds don't want to deal with something, but when it is beneficial to the plot/Starfleet they are all too willing to break it for one reason or another.

  • The prime directive has always been bs. That one episode of Enterprise where Dr. Phlox can cure a species of their deadly disease but does not because pRimE DiREctIvE. Yet like half ithe series involves them breaking it when cconvenient . Every trek iteration has pulled something like that.

    I have come to to accept that Starfleet is mostly imperialist. But w/e phasers go brrr, Alex Kurtzman did nothing wrong.

  • OK so I play this terrible game called Hunt Showdown. When you get killed by someone you can see their profile. I want people to see that specific bimbo bernie picture. A lot of reactionaries play that game so I thought it would be funny. Either way I need to rethink my life choices, but it is celibate at least!

  • Lavender_Jindosh [he/him]tomain*Permanently Deleted*
    4 years ago

    I am trying to be a vague as possible but I work for a major university and we just got a request from a class to move to a bigger room because a number of students got tested positive for covid. We forwarded up the chain cause this seems like a bid deal you know? The response was just to put them in the bigger room and call it a day. Absolute hellworld folx.