Best Star Trek?

The Original Series is the best one imo. You got the classic Kirk, McCoy, Spock trio. Uhura's super hot, the production design just oozes that cool Raygun Gothic vibe because its from that pre-swedish minimalism era where the future still looked visually enriching. Also that episode with Apollo is pretty sad even though he was kind of a dick.

Your thoughts?

  • Lavender_Jindosh [he/him]
    4 years ago

    As the only Discovery simp on chapo my ranking is as follows: DS9>Lower Decks>Discovery>season 4 of Enterprise>TOS>VOY>TNG>Picard >rest of enterprise

    I have gotten into many posting wars over discovery on this site and others, but I really believe season 3 especially is excellent Trek. I am convinced half the people who parrot how bad it is have never even given it a chance.

    I think you will find that every Trek series first few seasons are rough,but I would say Lower Decks was a surprising exception. It was excellent imo. II hate to rank Picard so low,but I came out of it feeling like it needs another season to really be judged. Jeri Ryan carries it imo,such a badass.

    I have never been able to get into TNG as much as other trek fans. I grew up on DS9 and VOY and always found TNG to be a bit boring and pretentious. I really do need to watch it all again and give it a fairer shot.

    Sorry for the essay, TLDR: new trek good, RLM and Orville bad