We used to do this to the Japanese during ww2. They aren’t cooking the skull, they are defleshing it so they can take it home as a war trophy.
All of Iran probably won’t fall but there is a serious danger of a SDF situation developing except more overtly pro American. This would lead to breakdowns in both Iran and Iraq.
This is why Stalin shot the old Bolsheviks, revolutionary lack of taste
….do I have to say I also watched Espina del Diablo and that one mission in red dead redemption?
I’m starting to think that some of you aren’t communists, you’re contrarians. Pan’s Labyrinth is magical realism, go sit in a corner.
….If Northern Ireland and Scotland leave the UK, they will sell all their pounds for euros…how do I short currency?
I almost dropped out of school when it turned out that I was really good at transcribing captions for tv shows. Good thing I got a useless degree instead lol.
It is pretty obvious that the Scandinavian and Baltic countries are rejecting the encouragement of a brain drain because they sense their own weakness and because they know that both they and Russia are fighting for nationalism, not self determination.
Economies of scale mean larger net worth can be invested more aggressively into puts. Also they are transitioning to remoter capitalism and neofeudalism, when cash becomes illiquid they will own everything.
France held referendums to get Savoy to join France. Referendums during war time are almost always shams
Downward spiral means greater returns on puts, just hedge a bit to lure in exit liquidity.
The last time globalization crashed, we had the long depression. Research 19th century investments in railroads, they will mirror 21st century investments in developing nations.
They bought hard assets and puts
The average diet is beat, borsch, and crippling alchoholism
Indian Twitter thinks that there was a coup in China
I know people who currently live in Portugal, I should send them money and have them buy me stuff.
Program will win, don’t make me filter it through another system then break out the photoshop. Once these things can have vector edits, the robots will have won. Seize the means of expression.
Counterpoint: the art market is bourgeois and overpriced. Fuck the graphic designers, I don’t care about your degree in fine art, I like dicking around with making stuff on tuesdays and may get good at it if you keep whining
Shock therapy in europe