Once in a while you get shown the light, in the strangest of places, if you look at it right

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Stuck between a rock and a hard place. It sucks.

    I’m tired of the 2 party system. I don’t think I really have a party or political ideology that aligns with Democrats or Republicans and third party candidates are all over the place. I want to start voting on issues and not just politicians.

    I don’t care what my politician’s feelings are. They represent a constituency and the only things they should be speaking about and for are exactly what they’re being asked for. Instead we have this political machine that takes every issues and gives it a red spin and a blue spin and then it’s force fed to the people.

    Congress should not be creating our ideologies they should create the laws that structure the things the citizens want.

    The Supreme Courr overturned Roe v Wade, put it on the ballet and let the people decide.

    Gun control, put it on the ballet

    Universal health care, put it on the ballet

    Abandoning fossil fuels, put it on the ballet

    Stop forcing your political and personal ideologies on us and start listing to the people. If we vote “Yes” on universal health care, the politicians must then go and figure out how to make it happen.

    Let it truly be a government of the people, by the people, for the people.

  • I just recently started playing and as a diehard Elder Scrolls/Fallout fan the game is the worst Copy+Paste I’ve seen!

    Obsidian made the same game in 2019 and called it The Outer Worlds. Bethesda took their game added some more to it and released it as Starfield. Neon City is literally the same place as Groundbreaker.

    The space mechanics are an absolute joke considering what No Man’s Sky gave us in recent years.

    I guess the point of my bitchy little comment is that I expected so much more and was thoroughly underwhelmed.

    The bar for the next Elder Scrolls/Fallout is so low for me at this point, that I have zero expectation of even playing them

  • This is the main reason I’ll wait for it to come to streaming services. I stopped and started The Irishman at least 5 times. I have no patience for incredibly long movies. Scorsese needs to make limited series stories so he can pour 10 hours into a movie that gets broken up and consumed in bite sized chunks as opposed to a long ass movie that has no intermission (also, the studio has been harassing theaters that added one)

  • Sounds like this can easily be solved by installing lights/alarms along the track that are triggered by the train’s approach. If the bears are too drunk to get out of the way when the train gets there the options are either to A) slow the trains down and put the operators on bear watch duty or B) give the bears more time to move and make enough noise/light to kick that movement into high gear

  • ME5SENGER_24@lemm.eetomemesThe next generation of boomer memes
    1 year ago

    In the past few years my parents, one a tail-end boomer and the other an early Gen-X’er, have become increasingly more and more difficult to have conversations with. They spout this FoxNews rhetoric every chance they get and my step-mom foams at the mouth blaming literally anything and everything on Biden (open a pack of chips and the bag splits on the side and it’s “Biden is ruining this country.”)

    They’re irrational and exhausting. If they ever talk to my children about politics or even life in general, I’m sure I’ll see this post shared in our family group chat along with the other fucking stupidity they share.

    Idk what happened or when, they were normal. Now, they’re banging on the walls of the looney bin waiting for a bed to free up