Jesus christ how many emojis are on this site? Every day I see more I've never seen, is there a master list somewhere? I could see that one awful Biden face being morphed into the troll face somehow
There's a lot of nice ambient microtonal stuff out there this channel has a ton and this dude that makes a bunch of cool generative synth patches that just go off
I don't quite understand the part about saying no but not saying no?
"Does it follow from this that our representative in the Reichstag must oppose all debate on bills concerning these matters with an abrupt and blunt no? Absolutely not," - then she talks about investigating the individual parts and then always coming to the conclusion of no anyways. Is she saying it's important to explain the root causes of the no every time to show people your ideological consistency?
If you have disposable income I could see giving some money to someone who has given you hundreds of hours of free entertainment if you watch them all the time and they help you feel happy. But all that Hype Train shit where people donate just because other people donate randomly is weird and dumb.
But also I'll compose shit for u :3 another great website to go with
I saw this earlier today and recorded a voice clip of it trying to match the effects
In hindsight that honestly doesn't seem like a bad strategy since apparently chuds can just waltz into the capital building -.-
That kind of makes it even more bizarre, is Travis even as left as the V-Man? And he's with everyone else in the image lol. Who the hell made that image really impressive NES music from random ass Yume Penguin Monogatari
Bonus track, less unknown but the Rocket Knight soundtrack is my fave OST
Shit one more absolute banger from Eschatos
I honestly don't know nearly anything about this, but I do remember Michael Brooks had his friend on that works in activist groups and he didn't like this for some reason. Hopefully it wasn't some astroturf
I don't understand this tho, do we want them out of Senate? Would they actually be able to get anything done in a cabinet position vs. their senate seat?
Dr. Zaius too of course, but that's pretty close to Amadeus Amadeus, but then again the Softball song is also just the song Talkin' Baseball
I suppose it could have gone worse. We'll see if he shows up, he seemed to be scared of getting dunked on which he would lol
imo it's not the best look for the site to adamantly defend a post like that one so hardcore, I'd rather get that dude in here and have him be converted than swear of the site immediately because this is the post he saw boosted. someone like that might not have fit in here anyways but still I dunno
Those are both very strong and I probably agree with you, but what about Senor Burns? The Stonecutters song is pretty good too
So NFTs are garbage and it's probably not worth participating in them, but do you think if people flooded it with a bunch of Copyright Disney shit we could leverage big corporation copyright law to smite that operation?