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  • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
    4 years ago

    so uh

    biden's racial equity plan never mentions ICE or immigration a single time

      • BillyMays [he/him]
        4 years ago

        Cue all the moms who promised their kids all the kids in cages were going to be let out and the kids finding out they weren’t. Step one of hating this place starts at a young age.

    • TransComrade69 [she/her,ze/hir]
      4 years ago

      Probably because he's a literal segregationist who doesn't give a fuck about people of color. Who'd have thought? 🧐🇺🇲🔥

  • comrade_24 [she/her]
    4 years ago

    Being class conscious sucks. I’d never want to go back to not knowing, but it does make rich people that much more insufferable. :marx-angry:

  • TheDeed [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 years ago

    I feel like time has lost meaning. I’m just existing in lockdown.

    I’m grateful I can work from home when so many other workers have to go in person, but I am feeling like I’m in a gilded cage.

    I have barely left my house since the end of February and my mental health is suffering.

    Every day is the same and there is no end in sight. And there’s nothing to do. I just scroll endlessly all day after work and get increasingly doompilled.

    • aqwxcvbnji [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      From time to time the people I'd hang out with if we wouldn't be in lockdown go to a bar, but virtually: we just videochat and have a beer at home. Perhaps you should propose something like that to your friends.

  • the_river_cass [she/her]
    4 years ago

    reposting cause apparently the megathread got recreated after I posted and I'm mad at the world...

    ok, I’m sharing cause I’m a little drunk. glares don’t judge.

    I read a romance novel with a trans main character today and… uhh… wow… that makes a fucking difference, especially when she’s treated as like… a normal fucking person… and also the fact that she’s trans isn’t erased? is that really so narrow of a line? it must be because it happens so infrequently. but yeah… the book deals appropriately with her trauma around her parents kicking her out of the house at twelve and… ahem… I guess I’ll read more of these books to see if there are more trans characters?

    why can’t people just treat us as people?? why does “treated like a human being” to be my fucking kink??

      • the_river_cass [she/her]
        4 years ago

        I'm a simple girl... just treat me like I'm human... I beg... I weep...

        • proonjooce [he/him]
          4 years ago

          only real time i ever met a trans person was at magic the gathering friday night magic, i treated her like i would anyone else, by destroying her completely (at magic).

    • hoxha [he/him]
      4 years ago

      why can’t people just treat us as people?? why does “treated like a human being” to be my fucking kink??

      tfw i treat people like human beings and then they're like 👀👀👀 and i'm like "oh i uh, what,"

      in any case: glad you found a book that walked that line well :)

      • the_river_cass [she/her]
        4 years ago

        people don't want you most of the time, that's normal. a vanishingly small number of people will ever want any of us in particular. that doesn't change how we ought to treat each other.

  • GuyWTriangle [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    I had to put my dog down yesterday. Found myself instinctively reaching over the side of the couch to pet her while watching TV because that was her "spot" today. Remember to always love your pets, you never know how long you have with them

  • redfern54 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    So apparently Pompeo in a press conference now said "There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration." during a press conference.

    Also, according to a poll, 70% of republicans believed the election was not held fairly, compared to 35% last Tuesday. Very normal, and very cool!

  • grisbajskulor [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Any other failchildren on here? I'm in expensive college on my rich parents' dime but all I'm really good at is looking at political memes, smoking weed, gentrifying working class neighborhoods, and playing video games (poorly) and if I'm not able to get a job when I graduate I have basically infinite time to keep looking. As a result I have a distracting amount of self loathing. Seeing posts on here like "I was fired and have no health insurance for my family" slowly kills me inside. Pls post directions to nearest gulag ASAP.

    At least I've used some time to read up on theory and produce propaganda so that's a pat on my back I guess.

  • chelseaclintongue [she/her]
    4 years ago

    bit where a libertarian fully believes in qanon and tries to buy a child slave from democrats

  • REallyN [she/her,they/them]
    4 years ago

    There are so many books, I want to read, or music I want to listen to or practice, games and shows to play/watch, but I have no idea how to schedule or organize doing those things in increments because my go to response is just to obsess about one thing at a time.

    That combined with my social media addicted brain means I don't really do much of any of those things.

  • Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Is Idaho even a real place? I've never met anyone from there or heard anything about it, except that Spokane, Washington is near the Idaho border and that Idaho contains Liberal Mountain.

    • Coolkidbozzy [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I went there a long time ago. The people I was visiting have since been financially devastated with no paths forward

    • BillyMays [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Yeah. It’s fucking awful. Some of the strongest white supremacist militias live in Coeur d’Alene, ID which is across the highway from Spokane. If they couldn’t produce potatoes they would have no reason to exist.

    • Goovis__young [he/him]
      4 years ago

      I once visited one of the state's vacation spots near the canadian border while on a road trip. on a lark i looked up the local newspaper and the controversy du jour was that the mayor hadn't put his hand over his heart during the pledge of allegiance at a city council meeting. he had responded by saying that putting his hands behind his back meant that his heart was more open to liberty or something like that. weird stuff

  • 777 [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    i cannot believe the type of dork you have to be to go out of your way to copyright strike shit on redbubble

    edit: i did some number crunching and i made a grand total of $40 this period on redbubble and apparently $40 was enough for some lawyer to get at least 4 different products from my shop taken down. feels great to have gone from figuratively no income to literally no income.