Wait, are you talking about Ziff-Davis?
One of the founders wrote this: https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Rape_of_Palestine.html?id=gWUBAAAAMAAJ&source=kp_book_description
What the fuck?
Wait, are you talking about Ziff-Davis?
One of the founders wrote this: https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Rape_of_Palestine.html?id=gWUBAAAAMAAJ&source=kp_book_description
What the fuck?
They also own Humble Bumble now? The gamers are pretty mad about how that has changed.
Nirvana is not knowing.
Holy shit. Lmao. No thank you Mr. Singer. No fucking thanking you.
I just want people to stop bringing him up so I forget he exists.
Animal Liberation was an incredibly formative book for me. I was evangelical about veganism for a few months afterwards.
Make it a cooperative.
I would a Japanese comrade to explain their cultural "lens" to me.
There is so much anime, JRPG stuff, manga stuff, that I don't understand that I feel like I have a disease.
We get it, you read Adam Smith.
The left describes socialists and sometimes progressive liberals.
Again, anti-capitalist can mean being a monarchist and a fascists and both socialists and progressives are against associating with those.
I like this meme about 21. His music videos are kind of prol as fuck.
Discussion of trans women (pretty much never trans men or enbies cause society doesn’t even know they exist most of the time) in women’s sports, isn’t and never was about the women’s sports themselves. It is a proxy argument for the greater societal discourse around trans rights and identities.
I might get this tattooed on my forehead.
So, I've been waiting on an appointment to check to see if the blood clots in my arm are from C19. Can I still get the shot? Clinics are hella full around here.
It would be so cool if this was the real Alexis Ohandyman.
Well, that's certiantly how Americans use those terms, but when you enter left spaces, even American ones, we use the academic definitions of the terms. Anti-capitalist could be literally anything and I don't want to associate with monarchists and fascists.
Lots of lefties seem to like it.
I can't sit still enough to watch it.