uh huh, uh huh, keep going, I can use this material.
uh huh, uh huh, keep going, I can use this material.
What is the point of the BRICS?
Doxxing me as a comedy writer on hex bear dot net.
Whaaat's the deal with scabs not supporting the writer's strike? I'll give them some more scabs to pick at.
Shoulda gone with PCI-X!
But actually this is just a joke about Blanchard
HSTS is not really that anti-user, it just enforces secure transfer, you'd be an idiot to take the risk of using HTTP, and should also enforce HTTPS from the client-side whenever possible.
But let's talk about AGP cards, now those were anti-user.
his name is not little green
Seriously, what is all this shit?
Liberals will decry anything free as communism, but then they want the Communists to give them a Tibet for free? Pick a lane, morons!
Doing this bit is praxis because it will piss Jerry off and he deserves to be miserable for being a piece of shit.
I'm right here!
shit it kinda does look like her lmao
Yeah, but I'm just using filters, so it's pretty painless.
What's the deal with other people being better at this bit than me?
What's the deal with automotive infrastructure?
Whaaaat's the deal with phones costing $1500 now? Anyone else remember when they were giving those things out like a cartoon drug dealer?
You'd walk into the mall and some sketchy lookin' guy would say, "Hey, wanna buy a phone? First one's free..." He'd open up his trenchcoat and he'd have about a hundred identical looking phones and a hundred page contract for you to sign. They don't even give you a contract anymore, what are you supposed to do, you're just expected to look it up online using the phone they haven't given you yet?
Anticistamines are hard to find when your couch is the exact same color!
Will I keep goofing on posts that get a lot of engagement, or will I come up with better jokes? Find out tomorrow on Dragonfeld Z!
*Jaunty slap bassline*
That's kind of beautiful, actually. Thank you for the art!