Optimismbias [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2021


  • Optimismbias [none/use name]topolitics*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    He escalated the war in Vietnam to unprecedented levels. Congress passes bills, not the President. We have recordings of LBJ's racist rants where he laughs that he'll have those ******* voting Democrat for the next 100 years.

    the correct take is that both parties are shitty capitalist parties

    The correct take is that there is just one party, and kayfabe. Hulk Hogan and Roddy Piper aren't foes. They both work for Vince McMahon.

  • Optimismbias [none/use name]topolitics*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    Observation. They agree on all the important issues, but when it comes time to represent the interests of their constituents, suddenly nothing can be done. What's the re-election rate, over 90%? “Power is not a means; it is an end. The object of power is power.”

    I mean, look at fricken' Biden. How much different is he from Trump, really? And Obama was supposed to be this transformative president and all he did was transform mud huts into bloody bomb craters. Bush II the warmonger, Clinton the rapist, Bush I the CIA director, Reagan the "nuke the Soviets", Carter the hick accent peanut farmer, Nixon the criminal, LBJ the warmonger, JFK was the last one who tried to change anything and he got assassinated for it.

  • Optimismbias [none/use name]topolitics*Permanently Deleted*
    3 years ago

    A lot of it has to do with the merger of the Washington DC factions of D and R into a single party with few differences. They maintain kayfabe for the masses but they're on the same side, mostly.

    The people in flyover country have profound differences with the DC D and R unity party. That's what this is about. The R's in DC will try to bullshit them to get them to shut up...but not if Trump continues his rampage. If he continues his takeover of the GOP all bets are off. Our only hope is that they're so stupid and incompetent the DC D&R unity party will easily outmaneuver them. This mostly happened while Trump was in office.

  • Like many "conspiracy theories", it is too outrageous to "exist" and will be denied if you bring it up to anyone. The CIA trafficking cocaine, sure buddy whatever you say. The US overthrowing governments for the benefit of the United Fruit Company, look at the screws loose on this one.

  • My guess is that it took a lot out of her and now she's not able to get enthused about a man, and thus can't find a mate. I mean, a man in the grip of sexual excitement isn't going to show his best side to a woman. She saw men at their worst, all the time, for years. In fact, according to those weird sex acts she referred to, quite a few of them enjoyed the hell out of degrading her. That's got to do a number on how she looks at a man, any man.

    Just get in vitro fertilization and be done with it.

  • It's not romanticizing. I'm saying we had a system by which we got rid of these people. Now, we're so civilized we did away with it, without thinking about what we were going to do with these people afterwards. Now we're stuck with them. It's not romanticizing to say we used to feed them to machine guns and maquahuitl, and nobody missed them afterwards.

  • The actual Nazis were full of gays until the Night of Long Knives, and probably still thereafter.

    They don't fuck around with that dom/sub shit. They're for real. Good for fantasy...but I don't think they'd like a real fascist society at all.

  • Used to be, warriors were valued in society. We used to use up people like this like tissue paper. There would be wars, and our warriors would be killed off and unable to do crap like this. It was good for everyone.

    Now, they've got nowhere to go. Oh, the military...soldiering isn't warrioring. Soldiering is a profession, with colleges and stuff. Now we're stuck with them, and there hasn't been a war on our continent since Pancho Villa shot all those people.

  • Neoliberalism--the opening of markets and borders--enables capital to effortlessly crush labor. The social democrats, in embracing open borders, have institutionalized an open immigration that shreds the scarcity value of domestic labor in favor of lower cost immigrant labor that serves capital's desire for lower costs.

    That's where the backlash is coming from, and that's why so many upper income people can't see any problem with it. It's the old old problem of the landed gentry and the nobility looking down their noses at all of those stinking whining peasants, all over again.

  • https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02691728.2013.782585

    In a 2014 paper by the black feminist epistemology heavyweight Kristie Dotson, she explains that our entire epistemic landscape is itself profoundly unequal. Indeed, she argues that it is intrinsically and “irreducibly” so, meaning that it is not possible from within the prevailing system of knowledge and understanding to understand or know that the system itself is unfairly biased toward certain ways of knowing (white, Western, Eurocentric, male, etc.) and thus exclusionary of other ways of knowing (be those what they may). That is, Dotson explains that when we look across identity groups, not only do we find a profound lack of “shared epistemic resources” by which people can come to understand things in the same way as one another, but also that the lack extends to the ability to know that that dismal state of affairs is the case at all. This, she refers to as “irreducible” epistemic oppression, which she assigns to the third and most severe order of forms of epistemic oppression, and says that it requires a “third-order change” to the “organizational schemata” of society (i.e., a complete epistemic revolution that removes the old epistemologies and replaces them with new ones) in order to find repair.

    The usual tools by which we identify provisional truths and settle scholarly disagreements are part of the hegemonically dominant system that, by definition, cannot be sufficiently radical to create real revolutionary change (a “third-order” change, as Dotson has it). That is, they can’t reorder society in the radical way that is necessary. The belief is that to play by the existing rules (like conversation and debate as a means to better understand society and advance truth) is to automatically be co-opted by those rules and to support their legitimacy, beside one deeper problem that’s even more significant.

    The deeper, more significant aspect of this problem is that by participating in something like conversation or debate about scholarly, ethical, or other disagreements, not only do the radical Critical Social Justice scholars have to tacitly endorse the existing system, they also have to be willing to agree to participate in a system in which they truly believe they cannot win. This isn’t the same as saying they know they’d lose the debate because they know their methods are weak. It’s saying that they believe their tools are extremely good but not welcome in the currently dominant system, which is a different belief based on different assumptions.

  • That's just poor. You can be frugal and poor, or you can spend your money on lottery tickets. You can be frugal and rich, like Warren Buffet who is a multibillionaire and still lives in a shitty little house. You can also be like my Dad's friends who make $50,000 a month and spend $50,000 a month and complain they're broke and in debt. Frugality is a state of mind.