• 27 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • My other favorite one is that apparently all 20,000 of you are Russian trolls.

    Absolutely not. That has never been how it works. You start with plants, yes. You make jokes and create a clique that seems fun with jokes and in-culture. This helps you pick up actual people in your target audience and true believers, even if you haven't given them really anything concrete to believe in yet. (We are here.) And then you start pushing your main points while stifling dissent.

    The actual points I've seen come out are @ReadFanon above with the Putin images and... not much else. It's mostly "we LGBT" and vague "communism" (with no actual points) and "go read more". It's mostly dogpiling with no actual substance. Until you get to anti-NATO shit of course.

    There's a ton to criticize about the West, but generally Russia and China aren't doing those things any better. Anti-NATO is a weird stance and really only serves one purpose.

  • It's concerning, but I expect most of them are doing it for attention.

    It might be better to allow them to wallow in obscurity than to bring any kind of community attention to them.

    Whatever happens, I hope it's done quietly, because to some extent any press they can get is good press. Their numbers are pitiful and they'd love to recruit enough to be actual counter culture instead of just shock hate.

  • New roof, solar panels, battery, EV, remodel part of the house, new siding, buy a small house in my neighborhood to function as a guest house, take care of my parents, spend a couple months in Europe.

    Oh, you meant the rest of it. Government bonds are always good. You can also use more than one bank to expand the $250k limit (which applies per account type and bank). A trust, for example, is insured separately from your checking account.

    Past that, I couldn't tell you. Your financial advisor would though, just make sure they have a "fiduciary duty" to serve your interests.