Skullface [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2021

  • Yeah, the thing that's going to get people is that it's played as if betraying the communist is part of the anarchist walking the path to true freedom. Which is where you can see why capital would look at the story and think they can get some use of it in regards to China. It's also being produced by the company that used anarchism in that way with Mr.Robot.

  • Skullface [he/him]tonewsWe gearing up for a general strike?
    3 years ago

    I'm not sure how much that even indicates at this point. If a general strike does happen it's not going to go through the left channels which are already corrupted, incompetent and only concerned with doing the bare minimum to keep donations flowing.

  • They should call the hypocrisy he's trying to point out through all the twitterbrain the Orwell mentality. The exclusion of Jim Crow, slavery, colonialism, etc from narratives on totalitarianism along with the idea that it's not really fascism until white people are subjected to it. Basically the whole YA novel thing where dystopia is the pit you might fall in without acknowledging dystopia is the pile you're sitting on top of.

  • Honestly I think people here know and what's happening is more of a deliberate decision. The left projects in the US & UK collapsed with socially progressive NGOs playing a huge part and with some of their most prominent leaders siding with the capitalist to kill off any material gains for most people. This combined with how poorly Chomsky's and other left academic hand wringing over the Soviet Union has aged is probably pushing people to abandon the pre-bernie alignment and throw all in with China.

    It's also hard to overstate how many Americans are simply in really bad situations and would rather have Chinese policies regardless of any social conservatism.

  • Terese said that both the Soviet Union and China's revolution had nothing to do with socialism and then defended Tucker Carlson as the real socialist choice. Like aside from everything else this shit is just really dumb and the only reason we encountered it at all is because the brooklyn left insisted on cross promoting all their politically illiterate friends.