While retaining all of their memories as top bankers.
Cant tell if youre doing a bit or not. E:👍
The biggest issue with nuclear (centralized and controlled energy production by a capitalist govt) dissapears without the capitalist govt.
Geography olays a big role there. There are many places where the capacity of hydro needed requires more than is environmentally safe to dam. We would have to have gigantic mega projects to build new lakes and resivoirs. (Much slower and more labor intensive than building nuclear plants)
If nuclear doesn't fill the gaps it will be fossil fuels.In the current moment, an 'always no matter what' anti nuclear stance is just a pro oil and coal stance.
Thats cool and good. The grid itself will take more than 50 years to modify in a way that can handle the intermittent production of wind/solar. That gap needs to be filled by something other than fucking coal plants. 10 -20 to convert to nuclear saves us at least 30 years of FF emissions. The problem isnt sheer generation, . Renewables can make the power. its about generating or absorbing at the right times. Load and output are in a constant balancing act.
Long term yeah nuclear should be phased out and replaced with massive hydro lake batteries but policy that refuses to build nuclear now is just forcing coal/oil plants to be needed. This is why oil companies lobby all these exact same talking points.
This is oil company propaganda. Nuclear is needed to transition. All of their complaints are oil company talking points about nuclear. Their solution is "just do nothing cause there isnt tech out there tonheat water besides ff"
Almost all of these are totally fucking wrong.
If the reason you dont feel like calling her 'mom' is that she wasnt a great parent(as opposed to her not being a "feminine" enough parent) then I wouldnt call it bigotry, just your detachment from her.
I read that as jaws pf physics and enjoyed it more that way.
Too good of a post tbh
They know they are homophobic. They are just trying to deflect the label.
Yeah or make little bansai indie trees.
The games get more complex as the tree does. It grows one game at a time and the bigger the "better" the game gets. So it starts making like Pong but then progresses through NES then SNES titles. Then after a while its growing with modern AAA titles.
Too bad lemon trees arent real 😔
Id say not actually magic but functionally so. Lets say it magically grows whatever through some quantum connection with whatever star is making the light for it. Basically magic but there is technically a limit to how much material you can remove from the star.
You would need to bury an already magical item.
Uhhh why we reccing shithead mcdonald?