Soyuz [any]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2020


  • Soyuz [any]toPost Puns On MainThank god for China
    4 years ago

    I am sure Friedman didn’t compare China with Post WWII America, and by referring to 80s Japan, I didn’t mean it will crush immediately, but rather its achievements and that China have similar problems lies in its growth mode.

    Also, define what USSR mode means, wartime communism, NEP, Stalin mode, and all kinds of “economic reform” begin with Khrushchev are all USSR’s path. Simply saying “Mao’s path” is similarly ambitious.

  • Soyuz [any]toPost Puns On MainThank god for China
    4 years ago

    I don’t see the poster not optimistic about Chinese future, the problem is:

    1. Buy which way are you optimistic to Chinese’s future,e.g a reformist one, or a revolutionist one?
    2. How do you get optimistic by interacting with which fraction of Chinese proletariat?

    Without knowledge of these, I am afraid it’s impossible you two can have anything “to say to” each other.

  • Soyuz [any]toPost Puns On MainThank god for China
    4 years ago

    Counterpoint to counterpoint: It’s looking good the same way as Post-WWII America or 80s Japanese.

    Disclaimer: I have only lived in one of the objects of analogy, but understood the languages of all three.